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Date Posted: 13:31:23 02/21/07 Wed
Author: miyu_tVP (long-absent :))
Subject: Gender & Genre Panel - Questions needed!

As announced last week on Comic News Insider (http://www.comicnew sinsider. com), the California Browncoats (http://www.californ iabrowncoats. org) are hosting their very first panel at this year's WonderCon, on Sunday, March 4, from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. On the panel, Jane Espenson (Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Pia Guerra (Y: The Last Man) will be answering questions about the portrayal of gender in today's
sci-fi and comics. The discussion, titled Gender & Genre, will be led by Amanda Sullivan of Equality Now http://www.equality now.org).

The questions for the panel will come from fans – what do you want to hear about? We are looking for a broad range of questions.

-Do you have a specific question for one of our panelists
about their work or career? ("In the episode Superstar, why is power portrayed as a zero-sum game between the male (Jonathan) and female (Buffy)?")

-Or would you like to pick their brains about the general
landscape of genre? ("Why do comic book movies that focus on female characters still suck?")

-Or perhaps questions about working in the genre industry ("Right now, how much of a burden is there on artists to portray responsible female role models? Is this a legitimate or unfair burden?")

-And don't forget about the guys! ("How are lead male roles
changing with the changing role of women? How would a Yorick (Y: The Last Man) written 20 years ago have been different from the one being written today?")

Do you have a question or topic you'd like to see addressed at the panel? Tell us! E-mail californiabrowncoats@yahoo.com with your suggestion. Please include your name (or screen name, or some other way to identify you) as you'd like it to be read at the panel, e.g., "Mary in Tuscon," or "BSGFan from the boards."

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