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Date Posted: 08:40:43 01/15/07 Mon
Author: jstarwolf
Subject: real vampires

I want to put together a short paper on the truth in vampire mythology. Not that it is so much myth, but more metaphor the metaphor being that some people just drain the life force from others - we all know someone like that, we usually have to get untangled from them so here's a few common "myths" that arent myths but truths about these real vampire people:

1) They have no reflection in the mirror - these people are unable to see themselves for what they are.

2) They cannot enter a place unless invited - truthfully, it is us that "lets them in" to our lives, if we don't let them in, they cannot harm us.

3)They cannot go out in sunlight - they are afraid of the light of day which exposes them, of being seen for what they are - once seen, once we know what they are,they are powerless.

4)Holy water, the cross etc. these are simply symbols of truth, honesty and purity etc. and it is that which they fear.

More later, dont want to freeze up here. any one got any others?

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