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Date Posted: 05:41:16 03/30/07 Fri
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Re: what a trip! anom in uk?
In reply to: anom 's message, "what a trip! anom in uk?" on 18:46:16 01/15/07 Mon

Sorry to have taken so long to reply to this, I've had PC problems which are particularly annoying as I'm setting up my own business at the moment. Such is life. All seems well now however.

In the event that you read this at some point it might be worth considering a train to Birmingham which will take about 90 mins to get to the city centre from London.

If you fly you'll be landing at Birmingham International and could take the train to Birmingham New Street from there but, and here's an interesting possibility, I could also pick you up from the Arrivals gate and drive you to, well, wherever.

Where is TCH at the moment? Do you have a pressing desire to see Birmingham or would it perhaps be better to travel in the opposite direction towards Coventry (where Warwick University is assuming TCH is still there and, co-incidentally, just a mile or two down the road from me)?

As regards splitting the distance that would definitely mean a train journey unless you hire a car, Banbury or Oxford perhaps?

I'll offer my meagre services as a guide to either London or Birmingham in the event that we arrange a meeting in either city since I've lived in both.

I don't have an LJ account but if I can find your e-mail from somewhere (unlikely but I may be able to) I'll get the lines of communication set up and we'll take it from there.

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