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Date Posted: 18:46:16 01/15/07 Mon
Author: anom
Subject: what a trip! anom in uk?

Don't know why it's taken me so long to write this up. Maybe I'm nervous it won't work out. Which should be an incentive to get it posted sooner (before airfares go up!), but somehow it didn't go that way.

As I've mentioned a few times, my brother will be getting married in Vienna in April. Since Austria is the closest I'm likely to get to England for a long time, I'm thinkin' it would be cool if I could make a stopover there on the way, or maybe on the way back, depending on when people would be available.

And that's the question: Would any ATPo-UKers be willing & able to have a meet w/me in mid-April? The plan to be planned around is that I'll arrive in Vienna on Thursday, 4/19 (probably, not set in nonrefundable stone yet); the wedding is the next day. I really have no idea of what kind of logistics might be involved, although I'd guess more people would be available afterwards (on the weekend) than before. As far as I know, the main centers of ATPopulation in the UK are London & Birmingham. I don't know the geography very well, esp. in regard to airport location. Would it be better to split the distance & meet somewhere in between, & maybe I could get a ride there w/one contingent or the other? I don't know yet how long I might stay & what there'd be time to do.

I would love to see Rahael & TCH again, & to meet KdS, yabyumpan, O'Cailleagh,...is Celebaelin nearby? Any other slightly farther-off posters who might want to make the trip for an ATPo meet? anneth, are you going to be on that side of the Pond in April? I'm probably leaving someone(s) out--sorry, it's been awhile since the board was more active, & there are people I haven't been in touch with since those days. But a trip through the ATPo archives has reminded me that we used to have a poster in Vienna, who posted under the name Grifter--don't suppose you're still there, or still reading the board?

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