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Date Posted: 06:01:55 03/31/07 Sat
Author: Michael
Subject: Buffy 8.01 Spoilers (cont)

After reading the (large) Buffy S8 Spoilers thread, I have a few points to ponder... This is really a continuation. Get my Buffy Season 8 SPOILERS warning. Some of my guesses are no doubt wrong, but maybe not...

Any notice the Serenity-ish logo on Buffy's red shirt during the Space Age-y assault (first scenes)? I sort of see it, but not sure I agree...

The accent "boy" seems German/Austrian to me, and might not be a boy. There is one (or a few) tales in "Tales of Slayers" graphic novel that has one story about a gal slayer who had to cross-gender (dress) to fit in to society and hide her identity.

Descending Dark Coat & slayer shoes: Probably Andrew, but didn't Tara have a long black leather coat near the end of S6? Other guesses: Riley Finn?

Dawn: Missing bubble for her "big" scene in lower bottom corner (as last thing says there): "I have to go to the bathroom" - noting the barrels of water or?

What is a "THRICEWISE"? (Kenny, Dawn's boy-toy)

Kenny is also the name of one of Faith's pre-Sunnydale bouncy partners. "Kenny the Drummer", she tells Buffy in S3.

Remember the look Dawn gives Faith when she first showed up in b7.18 "Dirty Girls". (And there is a "Faith" arc coming up soon this "Long Way Home" arc). I know issue numbers for these (and a 3rd); if anyone wants me to say...ask?

I hoping there are some "Flashbacks", maybe Internet video release (i.e. the real people) of early-ish Buffy episodes that now have Dawn in them. (B4 "This years girl" Faith attacks Joyce; pencil in Dawn who maybe out smarts Faith and it is her who calls Buffy).

I doubt Dawn's main problem is losing her virginity her being "big" and also Amy being "big" is ahh-choo ah-clue.

Andrew & the Buffy/Immortal fake-out, another point in "Queen of Slayers" book, Seems to me, these ideas told to that book as early "include this". I like the book, most of is great setup (Major god-like "old ones" demons really mad the Hellmouth was closed. If Faith ends up dealing with the Cleveland Hellmouth (another major Queen/Slayers sub-plot)...

Fray: That world needs for magic to "disappear" and also all demons to also be banished and forgotten. Hence, Amy & magic-arc (maybe?). And the Slayer with a Scythe fights an epic battle with many kinds of demons (with possibly mystical allies).

Amy: "Boyfriend" guesses: Rack is a good guess. Remember Dawn is still the "Key" (energy). Glory? Ethan Rayne or his chaos god "Janus"? (That another main plot point in "Queen of Slayers" novel). Quentin Travers? Nigel? from Watcher's council. Connor Angel? Riley Finn (no he's the black coat guy). Heck: it might be the First Slayer coming back.

More Amy's hooded boyfriend guesses: Glorificus' reemergence (due to First Evil accessing her in b7.01 teaser scene, she's a god not a dead mortal) is a possibility. And wasn't "Doc" a Glorificus worshiper and also mad at Dawn?

I was going to suppose about Glory's other two gods she ruled with (maybe Illyria, a male god) be one of them. But "Doc" seems a better guess.

Or maybe it could be "The Judge" and/or Luke the Vampire (b101/b102)? Luke could be assuming the role of "Master". Or Richard Wilkins (would naturally take care of Amy). Willy the bartender? Whistler (who ends also being Urkonn in Fray)? But why would Willy or Whistler be mad at Dawn? Oh somebody put a stake in me… Jus Chumash Indians avenging spirits? Amon-Ra? (opps that's Stargate SG-1 genre…)

Amy boyfriend (best) guesses: Doc, First Slayer, Rack. Willy the bartender or Clem?

Army guys: I bet some type of Iraq war comment was intended. I bet it won't be a major story involvement, not with Democrats in Congress (unless I'm right and Riley Finn is the black coat descending floater).

I always thought the "Initiative" should have been the Watchers Council initial attempts to move their operation to United States (starting late 19th to early 20th centuries). Except it got "taken" from by WW-II (Nazis then US secret agent men). The US Initiative never got the magic issues and also didn't know of the Slayer and history. Perhaps Spike was involved (remember Wesley's Father-ish & Spike confrontation also in A5).

Where is the Scythe? (hmmm, Faith has it?). Buffy had when she landed on the bus in 7.22 "Chosen".

Final Amy hooded boyfriend last guess: Note: I know nothing; this a random guess…

Hank Summers!

Or (sorry) a bizarre, not seious thought:
Remember the Fat demon lord Balthazar of b3.14 "Bad Girls"?

Maybe he could be a slimed down re-incarnated Balthazar (played by Charmed "Cole"a look a-like). And return as the Source of all Evil Magic (makes the First Evil look like a casper taunter).

Phoebe Haliwell (Alyssa-y) would have to then pick sides. Willow to battle evil magic or maybe Phoebe met and tried to get Kenny so thus hates Dawn, Faith & all slayers (or Slayer sisters and assuming Kenny is Faith's drummer).

(Again, is a "Thricewise" a musician of any sort? Kenny as Faith's drummer connection). Or a band?

Phoebe does love Cole: Quoth Duncan Kane of Veronica Mars, "True Love Stories Never Have Endings".

Joss would find any of this hilarious. Amy's hooded guy is "Cole" as the Source of all Evil, who has his own hooded robes.

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