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Date Posted: 11:58:03 04/06/07 Fri
Author: Rich
Subject: Re: taking this opportunity to present a personal theory
In reply to: FALCON X-0N 's message, "Oh, it's definately *Spoilers*" on 12:55:12 04/05/07 Thu

That’s not a bad suggestion, and almost as unsettling as my “maybe Dawn is pregnant by a Frost Giant” theory. Since this is a nightmare, the maybe-Spike may just be another nightmare image, and anything can happen. Of course, it’s Buffy’s nightmare, and Buffy’s dream universe isn’t like ours - because that’s where the First Slayer lives.

We’ve seen the FS three times, twice in dreams, and once when Buffy was on walkabout, which was also a sort of dream. Technically, it’s the Spirit of the First Slayer, which can be interpreted in more than one way. The most natural interpretation is the simple one –“Spirit of the First Slayer”, a literal ghost of Sineya (if that was her name). One alternative is “Spirit” of the First Slayer – a personification of the Slayer’s most essential nature, as perceived by Buffy’s subconscious. What we see (the dreadlocks and mummy wrappings) is actually a creation of Buffy’s own mind, which is where the Spirit normally exists, and where the events of “Restless” actually occur.

Since Buffy shares in the Slayer heritage, she shares in the Slayer “Spirit”. The reason she was able to talk to the First Slayer in “Restless” (while the Scoobies could barely even see it), was because it’s actually a part of her – she was talking to herself, or more accurately to her own Slayer side.

Hold that thought while I venture even further into left field. In “Get it Done”, we see how the Shadowmen placed the “essence” (or heart) of a demon into the body of a human girl. What is the heart of a demon? It’s not the same as the demon itself– if it was, they wouldn’t have made the distinction. My theory is that whatever it was is somehow incomplete, probably not corporeal, and not really alive in the usual sense of the term. If it’s not really alive, then it can’t really die – it just moves from host to host, carrying memories of each host to the next (think of Jadzia Dax on “Deep Space 9”, if that helps). This explains what happened to Dana in “Damage” – she was overwhelmed with other Slayers’ memories, which she couldn’t separate from her own. It also may explain how there can be more than Slayer – a being which has no physical existence might not be bound by physical limitations, and could therefore be in more than one place at the same time. Finally, it provides a reason for the rather confusing nature of Buffy’s Slayer dreams – the entity doesn’t perceive the universe the way we do, and its’ perceptions can’t always be clearly expressed in human language.

This gives us two rather vaguely described entities – the “Spirit” of the First Slayer, and the “Essence” of the demon, both existing inside Buffy. I suspect that the two are really just two different ways of referring to the same thing. Of course, this is all speculation. Joss hasn’t given us enough information to confirm any of it, and probably never will.

All of which is a long-winded way of saying that messing with Buffy’s dreams might not work out as planned – because she’s not alone in there. She shares her dreams with something a lot older than Amy, and (I suspect) a lot stronger. This means that Amy’s spell doesn’t necessarily have the effect she intended. Which means that maybe it really is Spike after all.

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