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Date Posted: 12:33:53 04/07/07 Sat
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.2: The Shakespeare Code *Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

Firstly I should say that this was fun and eminantly watchable. I like the series and it is only getting better IMO but...

This is slightly strange adventure this that seeks to emphasise the power of words but decides to take only one episode in which to do it. Obviously this is my personal bias against one off episodes showing up yet again as I bemoan the lack of depth this format allows for development of the plots but if you're going to write about the power of language wouldn't it be at least worth revelling in it for a little while?

Some nice touches from the cast in general and of course David Tennant in particular breathe extra life into this run-in with a trio of escapee aliens come Macbeth-like witches a.k.a. Carrionites The escapee bad guy theme seems to me to be being overused eg Tooth and Claw, The Idiot's Lantern, The Satan Pit, Doomsday and in slightly modified forms in Fear Her and Smith and Jones. It has also been used in Torchwood for Cyberwoman, Greeks Bearing Gifts and End of Days. OK so if the MotW has 'form' then there's no need to go into what it was that caused the galactic ptbs to lock them up and they're quickly and easily established as being naughty and deserving of The Doctor's attention but a bit of variety wouldn't hurt. Speaking for myself I wouldn't mind a bit more pseudo-science as explanation for eg the power of words. As the episode reached us the ending seemed like a quick fix and I was left wondering what all the fuss was about if it could all be undone with half a dozen lines of improvised Fakespeare. The witches were scary though.

Finally, and most importantly, as EVERYBODY knows Shakespeare was a bald Brummie so what's with the hairy Scouser?

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  • Episode 3.3: Gridlock - only casting spoilers this time -- Celebaelin, 12:46:57 04/14/07 Sat

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