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Date Posted: 11:39:15 04/21/07 Sat
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: Episode 3.4: Daleks in Manhattan *Spoilers*
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "New Series of Doctor Who - Episode 3.1: Smith and Jones *Spoilers*" on 13:28:59 04/01/07 Sun

Somewhat ironically on the eve of anom's visit to the UK we are treated to the first offering in this two parter about, well, Daleks in Manhattan. Always the scariest of the Doctor Who monsters the Daleks get into genetic engineering big time in New York, 1930. Complete with a rather entertaining Busby Berkely sequence and some 'big fan of musical theatre' gags which, bearing in mind the sexual preference of Russel T Davis, can't be viewed as anything other than an in joke this is a corker of the old school. Davis himself was not however the author of these two episodes, the credit for that belongs to Helen Raynor. Directed by James Strong and with the performances from the principals being tinged with rather more tension and less frivolity than usual this shows every sign of being the storyline I've been waiting for. The re-introduction of the traditional cliff-hanger ending left me feeling immensely satisfied and slightly self-congratulatory; THAT is how you close the first episode of a Doctor Who storyline. I await with keen anticipation next weeks conclusion Evolution of the Daleks.

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  • Episode 3.5: Evolution of the Daleks -- Celebaelin, 03:20:00 05/05/07 Sat

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