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Date Posted: 10:44:50 04/25/07 Wed
Author: anom
Subject: Re: Long Winded Look at 8.1 (Spoilers) Part One.
In reply to: Age 's message, "Long Winded Look at 8.1 (Spoilers) Part One." on 09:00:45 04/25/07 Wed

Hey, Age! Great to see you back. Lotsa good points here, but just 1 I want to add to:

"Voll knows about the existence of the unnatural/magic and must therefore, I assume again, have some idea why Sunnydale was obliterated."

Especially considering the Initiative was located under there! Which raises some interesting q's., like how much Voll knows about the Initiative (is he connected to it? was it so top secret he doesn't even know it exists, in a classic bureaucratic case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing?), & where the Initiative is now & what it is doing. Where do they stand, based on their Sunnydale experience, on the Slayer organization & its activities? I have a feeling they're gonna show up sooner or later. Coming back to Voll & his group, how secret are their operations?

On a wider scale, I hope we'll see how the rest of the world sees the way things have changed, & how much they know. Is Slayerdom out in the open now? Is the existence of demons & magic widely known? Buffy starts out saying the world's all different--I wanna know how it's different!

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