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Date Posted: 12:17:53 04/30/07 Mon
Author: Jane
Subject: Re: L.W.Look at 8.1 (Spoilers) Part Last.
In reply to: Age 's message, "Re: L.W.Look at 8.1 (Spoilers) Part Last." on 09:16:42 04/25/07 Wed

Wow, this is really impressive work, Age! It is so good to have this kind of discussion happening here again. I'm not much of a comics/graphic novel kind of person, I'd much rather have a new TV show, or a well written novel, but we go with what Joss gives us.
I read your analysis of the first comic while reading the comic panel by panel. Your in depth commentary really made me appreciate the comic so much more, and has given me a way to enjoy the comic format. It kind of feels like we're discussing another episode of the TV show, and I can hear the voices of the characters as I look at the illustrations. Thank you for doing this! I hope you'll continue with the next comic. (pretty please, with sugar on top?)
The activation of the potentials was not an ending, as the end of the TV series implied, but a suggestion that women do have the strength to control their own lives, but they have to choose to be powerful and act on that choice. The strength and power that Buffy bestows on the others by changing a patriarchal rule implies the need to have them: the fight goes on. Buffy as a cultural icon has shown how the rules can be changed, but there’s no illusion about the condition of the world that requires such power. It’s just that now women do not have to feel alone and marginalized as was the meaning behind the one and only slayer.
Yes indeed! That is what the underlying theme of the show means to me.

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