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Date Posted: 09:21:35 05/01/07 Tue
Author: ScottS
Subject: Re: Metaphysics of gods
In reply to: David 's message, "Metaphysics of gods" on 16:10:05 04/30/07 Mon

Ignoring all the plot devices and the mythological rules of the show, and just concentrating on the metaphorical significance of the Glory/Ben character:

Glory was Buffy's alter ego, and Ben was Dawn's alter ego. When Glory the god died, Buffy the Christ emblem also died. Ben died at the same moment, and although Dawn did not die, she lost her "magical" properties -- she no longer existed simultaneously as a ball of glowing, green energy (if you had the eyes to see).

Buffy was resurrected a few months later and, if the parallelism is to be maintained, Glory would have to be resurrected, or dragged out of some kind of hell, in some kind of anti-Christ, satanic ceremony performed by her minions. She would have to be damaged in some way, since Buffy suffered psychic damage from her experience. And, to follow the parallel in an interesting direction, she should be appalled by her resurrection, and take it out on her minions. If Ben still existed, his connection to Glory would have to be modified in some way.

Of course, the First Evil technically brought Glory back, but it could be argued that that version of Glory (and the Mayor and the Master) was a simulacrum, and not the real article . . .

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