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Date Posted: 11:43:17 05/27/07 Sun
Author: Isabel
Subject: Re: The comments are amusing.
In reply to: Arethusa 's message, "The comments are amusing." on 15:46:28 03/23/07 Fri

That's what the Master planned in the Wishverse. He was going to go into mass production of human blood drinks. Of course, Old Bat Face probably didn't think it through all the way, because that would use up the human population in short order without a breeding plan. Now I have a picture of a chicken farm in my head. Shudder.

They need to eat something. Spike did say that if a vampire didn't eat they weakened and got skeletal. "Like those famine pictures from those dusty countries, only not half so funny."

The Master was a religious fanatic who did want to eradicate humans so the demons could return to this realm. He didn't say what they'd eat. Possibly he was taking it on faith that they'd feed on weaker demons. On AtS, we did see some higher level demons who considered vampires to be the bottom of the barrel, so if the Master's plans probably would have led to disaster for the surviving vampires.

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