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Date Posted: 09:08:39 07/14/07 Sat
Author: Rich
Subject: Re: counter-counterpoint continued
In reply to: Dlgood 's message, "Re: This is very impressive" on 06:48:18 07/14/07 Sat

(Sorry - I accidentally hit the "send" button)
A vampire's undead status is legally relevent - for one thing, because it affects inheritence issues. Remember the legal battles that ensued after the death of Anna Nicole Smith ? What would that circus have looked like if Ms. Smith herself had been one of the contenders ? Other questions - are you legally responsible for your father's debts if your father is undead? can you legally remarry if your spouse has been turned ?

( slightly relevent joke - what's the difference between the IRS and the Mafia ? If you owe money to the Mafia, they won't try to collect it after you're dead.)

2. As I said, I agree that the Cow is an NGO. There's no reason why the government can't treat it the same way it treats the other groups you mention.
However, the Slayers, as individuals, are other-than-completely-human ("nonhostile-subterrestrials", perhaps). The secrecy maintained by traditional Slayers may not have been just to protect them from vampires - in earlier times, a Slayer whose identity was known might be hanged as a witch (some women were hanged for a lot less). Also, according to the new comics, the majority of known Slayers don't work for the Council. This could create a "slippery slope" problem: if the Council Slayers are considered human for all legal purposes, then the non-Council Slayers must also be considered human, therefore other partly human creatures must be considered human, therefore demons (according to Anya, they're all "tainted" ) must be considered human. The resulting debate could combine elements of the current arguments on immigration and abortion; the ACLU would argue for demon's rights, while the Supreme Court would have to determine the exact point where humanity begins. I can well understand why the State might prefer not to deal with the situation at all, Possibly by an extension of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

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