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Date Posted: 06:48:18 07/14/07 Sat
Author: Dlgood
Subject: Re: This is very impressive
In reply to: Rich 's message, "Re: This is very impressive" on 19:14:41 07/12/07 Thu

1. It seems to me that vampires probably lose citizenship when they die, although they still might have some legal rights

By way of example, is the Federal Government or State of California aware of Harmony Kendall's transformation into a Vampire? There's really no mechanism whereby they could deny her legal status. Her death - in the eyes of civil service - would likely affect her citizenship about as much as Buffy's death at the end of S5.

2. The CoW can be considered an NGO, but the Slayers themselves have a somewhat different status.

The source of their physical might, while interesting, isn't really relevant. Their power lies in being a group. Buffy (and her team), once independent of the council, functions much like a corporation. They are an Organization. They are not a publicly run, government agency. This makes them an NGO. The Boy Scouts are an NGO. The Red Cross is an NGO. Pretty much anything can qualify as an NGO.

What status they are granted by the state, would likely be dependent upon how they function, not on racial/ethnic makeup. As a government administrator, one would need to be mindful of challenges based upon the 14th amendment or ADA.

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