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Date Posted: 09:45:46 09/10/07 Mon
Author: Age
Subject: Re: Another Look Spoilers Part 10
In reply to: Age 's message, "Re: Another Look Spoilers Part 9" on 09:43:20 09/10/07 Mon

Okay, let’s go through issues two and three again, but now as a chronicle of what might happen in this free society as a further satiric look at the folly of trying to gain a feeling of security through only might.

I’m not going to offer as much detail.

Okay, Issue two.

Title page:

Citizens are relaxed sitting down having a nice cup of coffee (representing their fragile security as the cup is very fragile) up above the world as Giles is above the courtyard, thinking, as the windows suggest, they are barred, protected inside their society (house) from terrorist attacks from the rest of the world as the cityscape of a foreign country symbolizes.

Then, turn the page. The terrorist attack occurs.

And the cup of naive belief in security is broken as the slayers look like jostled liquid spilling out of the cup broken open. Frightened citizens look to their government to protect them as symbolized by Giles. They look to the male (might) approach of stopping future attacks with Giles as male watcher symbolizing this. The leaning of the imagery in the second panel down shows their desire to have what he’s offering: the teacup of security back again. Turn the page. (The tipping of the imagery is also used to express consumption of the individuals’ power by a male dominated government; however, because it comes after the top panel of women’s revolution, it represents the beginning of the internalization of the feminizing influence that leads to the emotionally empowered male, Xander, who confirms this by stating that he’s got all his sisters in him. But that’s not relevant to this discussion now; it’s relevant to the Women’s Movement meaning of the page.)

So, the people in government, as represented by Buffy, out of genuine concern for the public start to prepare their security, calming the public down somewhat as the slayers look calmer. Turn the page.

Permitting the citizens to feel somewhat more secure, and start talking about their pain as Andrew is talking with the ring of slayers.

Turn the page.

Such that, over time, the citizens, who value the rights of the individual and the emotional feminized approach to dealing with pain as Xander respects Dawn’s (as symbolizing the public) privacy by looking away and tries to help her emotionally so she’s not stuck, get at the source of the pain, and begin the healing process. Turn the page.

While the measures brought in to stop future attacks take effect. Voll’s pages. Turn the page.

Because citizens still are afraid of being attacked, i.e. of being whisked out of the secure castle like Buffy and re-experiencing the pain all over again in a new attack. Turn the page.

They fear being helpless like a person bound for sacrifice by some unknown assailant. Sleeping ducks, killed while they slept, while they were not vigilant, not looking out for some more devastating attacks. Turn the page.

But the terrorist threat doesn’t entirely make them want to do away with the kind of society they have. These citizens are braver than that. They won’t let the terrorists win by sacrificing the society they have, as symbolized by Buffy as individual and icon.

These citizens get back to feeling they could think about more personal things like hope for love, turn the page-

despite the fear of further attack as symbolized by the soldiers mounting an assault, and the further pain and loss it could bring. They begin to trust somewhat again, and turn the page return the society in the direction of the more feminized culture as symbolized by Willow.

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