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Date Posted: 09:43:20 09/10/07 Mon
Author: Age
Subject: Re: Another Look Spoilers Part 9
In reply to: Age 's message, "Re: Another Look Spoilers Part 8" on 09:39:15 09/10/07 Mon

Okay, now, I’ll move to issue three:

Title page of issue three.

You’ve got to trust someone if you want to preserve the individual and have a society of emotionally empowered adults who look after each other, extending a helping hand to one another; turn the page

Because if trust is broken, as Spike turns out to be Ethan Rayne, chaos (as represented by the riot of slayers under the top down governing of Giles’ pages in issue two) ensues as Ethan represents through worshipping it, and the authoritarian government has to maintain control and avoid future attack through interrogating the individual, by sifting through the memories of the individual, even the most personal ones like the one where Buffy is the filler in an Angel-Spike sandwich which while sexually titillating represents again protection as a form of imprisonment through the chains, and the male (might) approach as two trains collide into warfare. Buffy as nurse represents the woman (individual) in a male (might) dominated society, who gains protection through being servile. I won’t go into the sexual meaning of the trains, but symbolically they are again the male (might) approach as the phallic trains are approaching, going uphill (towards erection), gaining dominance, destroying the feminine approach as symbolized by the round tunnel that will be destroyed and erupt (in war.)

Buffy’s statement about what’s going on outside highlights her isolation.

Okay, if trust is broken, then it’s back to endless warfare…turn the page

Sister (individual) against sister (individual) where the top dogs, as represented by Willow and Amy, (the reference to season six creates the meaning,) reminding us of power centralized in the one and its individual destroying nature, fighting for top spot while the other members of society way down at the bottom, powerless and as significant as the ants the slayers and soldiers look like below fight each other because they have no choice. Turn the page.

But if you aren’t really attacking, but simply defending yourself because you have to, and can communicate that to your enemy, he may respond to you as a person, a human being, as the decoding of Amy’s magic (getting at the emotion that lies underneath the attack) and the round feminine rings are meant to symbolize of Willow’s counter spell. Turn the page

And the soldier who was your enemy, may now be a fellow human being and extend his arm to you in partnership for a dance and not gut you with an arm. Turn the page

But, if you cannot trust, as the dialogue, you’re lying that can’t be happening, suggests, the authoritarian interrogation must continue to see if you are the attacker (Buffy’s put down on her side and then pushed down more showing the feminine moved down while Ethan Rayne’s body position in the top panel shows him pushing her down, he representing the male (might) approach to keeping people safe here as interrogator and as male. The movement down also is symbolic of going deeper into someone’s psyche, of the interrogation going further).

If you allow fear of not being prepared well enough, as Buffy’s French exam dream represents, to make you look to security above all else then the interrogation must continue and the individual as symbolized by Willow being squarely (masculinely) pixellated is in jeopardy of dissolving or turning into what Willow became at the end of season six, the destroyer of individuals, the masculine(might) way, as a means of dealing with emotions, i.e. preventing the possibility of pain/attack in the first place by dealing with individuals only as threats and not seeing them as people.

Turn the page,

Because, if the public, doesn’t get up and moving again as Dawn their representative does, and stamp out this return to a male (might) dominated society that Amy represents, then they’ll end up imprisoned as Buffy seems to be in the bottom panel,…turn the page.

Imprisoned, powerless, like a rat in wheel going nowhere, stuck emotionally and jailed, servicing the powers that be. So, as Ethan Rayne suggests with the triple ten, get a clue and start acting like an adult as (XXX) thirty (years) suggests, turn the page.

Or, this is what the individual will become: dead, as symbolized by Buffy’s state, her head turned in the regressive direction.

Unless you value the individual and the feminine emotional means of empowerment as the kiss represents, and, not do what Ethan Raynes’ journey symbolizes, the abdication of the rights of the individual to privacy through minute interrogation, but actually allow the individual his or her privacy as symbolized by their all looking away as someone declares her personal emotion to Buffy, you won’t revive the individual and the feminized (emotionally empowered adult) society of which Buffy is its icon, and make this journey to a male (might) dominated society into just a dream that you woke up from. Turn the page.

Because if you don’t, those who haven’t trusted you in the past, but have a grudging relationship with you, may turn into enemies again, as the demon declares to Giles. Turn the page

And you’ll be back to being an adolescent as symbolized by Andrew’s playing strip poker, in a top down male (might) dominated society run by a father figure as symbolized by Giles, the watcher, being over both Andrew and Xander on the page in a top down hierarchical positioning of the panels. Turn the page

Because you have to mend your wounds though talking them through, (not attacking someone or you end up with a sword in your back like Renee,) as this provides you a little perspective this way; so that you don’t feel the need so much to protect and can hang up your need to protect on the wall once in a while as Willow hangs up Amy, the covert twisted sister slayer/protector representing the male (might) approach. Turn the page

If you do this, then you can enjoy the full enriching emotional life of friendship that valuing the feminine way brings through valuing the individual as the Scoobie friends do. And, you can put down the male (might) approach to things just as Xander through his emotional connection to Renee can let go of erecting his penis by himself, i.e. masturbation used to represent the emotionally isolated male (might) way of dealing with the emotion connected to future threat through ressur-erecting male (might) dominated society. Turn the page

But, if you don’t and you believe that the only way to get citizens completely safe is to turn them into robotized soldiers, you are risking to separate individual from individual, friend from friend, as Willow is yanked away from her friends by Amy who has been using subterfuge, the breaking of trust, to wait for an appropriate vulnerable time to steal Willow away, steal one of Buffy’s assets in a male (might) dominated way of thinking. Turn the page.

And, make citizens the isolated woman (individual) in a male (might) dominated society, turn the page

At the mercy of its horror, as symbolized by Warren, whose saw reinforces separation and destruction.

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