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Date Posted: 22:30:05 04/23/06 Sun
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: New Dr Who series

Since nobody's mentioned it I'll just say that the new Dr Who with David Tennant as the Doctor is superb. I think I mentioned before that I was left rather cold by Christopher Eccleston who announced that he was leaving the role after just 1 episode had aired


I may not have given him a fair crack of the whip as a result but I didn't find him to be a Doctor worthy of the new improved effects and the single episode format. David Tennant on the other hand is an entirely better proposition. He brings the right blend of charisma, humour and distracted genius to the role in his own style but in a way that has not IMO been approached since the days of Tom Baker who, with seven years in the role, was the longest serving Doctor to date. I grew up with Jon Pertwee incidentally so any admiration I have for messers Baker and, by association, Tennant is based entirely (well, largely) on their abilities rather than nostalgia (I remember when there wasn't any nostalgia!).

So, worth a look is what I'm saying. I assume you haven't got this in the States yet, is that a safe assumption? If not be consoled with the fact that if you can track it down you're in for a treat. The second episode aired here on Saturday and can I just say WEREWOLF! In fact I'm going to say a little bit more than that - Oz and Veruca together would turn tail and run from this thing like scared puppies. If there's any criticism in my mind so far it's that the single episode storyline format doesn't allow for the bitter-sweet cliffhanger moment that was so much a part of the original, the mixed blessing of not wanting it to end because the story hasn't played out fully but finding that you're instantly looking forward to the next episode, something that we here on ATPo are more than familiar with.

Just in case I've accidentally been in any way equivocal in my praise I'll tell you that IMO it's the best British TV work in the Sci-Fi/Horror genre for, erm, possibly ever. Yeah, about bloody time, right?

Oh, and Anthony Stewart Head is in the third episode so in case you're thinking of giving it a miss, don't.

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