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Date Posted: 07:34:18 07/07/06 Fri
Author: Kat
Subject: Re: vampires
In reply to: Michael Rampage 's message, "Re: vampires" on 06:47:03 07/01/06 Sat

I think the original message was probably how Giles understood it but he also wanted to impress upon Xander who he regarded as being a bit thick at the time that Jessie wasn't his mate anymore and could no longer be treated as such.

The truth is IMO that upon becoming a vampire a person loses their conscience, their superego, the little voice that says you can't do that it's wrong. Whatever personal connections (romantic/sexual love - eros and family and friend connections -philadephia) the person had, they can and do remain in some cases do, retain for example Harmony and Spike. The real tell is that the dark obsessions of the vampire are often mirrors of the desire the person had - Jessie had a crush on Cordy as a mortal which translated to wanting to eat her as a vamp. Dru loved kids as a mortal and wanted to eat them as a vamp. Spike was a romantic mortal and a horny so and so as a vamp etc.

Also, if you look at all depictions of the 'pure' demon part of the vampire from the Angelbeast in Pylea, to the Turuk-han to hypnotised Spike - they are all pretty much mindless rampaging monsters without the diliberate twisted manipulation of an Angelius. "Eternity" also showed us Angelius manifesting when Angel's inhibitions had been destroyed, possibly without actually removing his soul. The sense of Angel's wish to empower others and help them is really only the flip side of a desire to dominate and sometimes he's a bit dominineering even with a soul (for examples wiping people's memories if he sees fit).

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