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Date Posted: 14:48:50 07/15/06 Sat
Author: Celebaelin
Subject: That exchange in full...
In reply to: Celebaelin 's message, "Firefly Owner Unsatisfied Shocker - see inside for details" on 04:40:44 07/14/06 Fri

For the sake of completeness here are the other relevant posts from that thread, dr. bob's post is at the end out of sequence but is included in case it's of interest.

79587. Fri Jul 14, 2006 9:40 am

Gosh, that's a bit unfair IMO. In any series which is essentially a take on an RPG, in this case Traveller or something of that ilk in order to have a self contained 'unit' functioning independently you will need to have certain roles filled - pilot, medic, soldier, negotiator, planner etc. You can't escape the need for someone to function in those roles and placing that in the context of a TV series doesn't make it any less true. You could arguably double up on some of the functions and do it with less characters but Joss Whedon likes the dialogue and interaction options and chose to have more characters than were entirely necessary rather than less.

The script of the film Serenity is better, as I think I might have mentioned before, but Firefly is still streets ahead of its contemporaries. The A-Team comparison holds up to a point but the episodes aren't structured to anything like the A-Team formula, the sense of danger is more real for instance. I've just checked the episodes on the first half of the DVD set and out of the six (excluding the 'two part' pilot which for obvious reasons explains the intended MO for the freighter/transport) four of them are wholy separate from the 'crew for hire' format (Bushwhacked, Safe, Our Mrs. Reynolds and Jaynestown).

Of the other seven episodes on discs three and four' which I guess from you initial post you haven't watched, only Heart of Gold is a story of a paid job (which is a source of dialogue and tension in itself).

I don't mean to address your criticisms point by point as you are of course entitled to hold your views and criticise the program as you will but for those who haven't seen Firefly I thought I'd put your points in some context.

But 'Wash' is NOT 'Face'. Really not. And 'River' is not Murdoch, River in fact is the central character pretty much as the film reveals. I'll say no more. Probably.

Would you mind if I posted your comments to another board to test peoples reactions to them? Perhaps after any further comment you may wish to make...

Quaintly Ignorant
79595. Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:34 am
Celebaelin wrote:
Would you mind if I posted you comments to another board to test peoples reactions to them? Perhaps after any further comment you may wish to make...

Feel free. I know I am being a little unfair on Firefly and another confession of mine is that I didn't watch the film although I did enjoy the two-parter pilot which I blame for leading me into anticipation of a series I might have enjoyed only to have those hopes dashed. I will watch the rest of it and the film as I know that characters can take a while to grow on me and I am a fan of Whedon and scifi generally so my dislike of this is jarring for me. I think what annoys me most is the failure to live up to its potential. Again, after one series it is a little unfair of me.

And just how fast and far do they travel and HOWWWWWWW?

Dr Bob: Hush your mouth. Star Trek is great as is evidenced by 3 sets of 7 series. Gene Roddenberry is also quite interesting.
quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

79599. Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:29 am
Thanks I'll do that. If you like I'll let you know by PM if there are any replies.

Quaintly Ignorant wrote:
And just how fast and far do they travel and HOWWWWWWW?

An earlier, longer, version of the film script says the Alliance controls 72 planets. The existing script says that the explorers who left Earth went to 'a' new solar system and terraformed the planets (and moons presumably). Quite how they achieved Earth-like gravity on the terraformed worlds is another question of course but if we're going to take that into account then no planet with a gravity substantially below Earth's can have an atmosphere anyway. Mars for instance can't hold an atmosphere - if we ever set up there it'll have to be domes and environment suits for poor old Homo sapiens.

As for �how fast� the journeys between worlds are weeks to months. It's not an entirely satisfactory model but since they make little direct reference the science of Firefly is not a major factor. Disappointing but then what's the deal with transporters and replicators in Star Trek? I mean really!

btw it seems unlikely that there will be any more Firefly. It was an effort of will on the part of the fans to get the film made, if you rent/buy the film the extras give the full story. Personally I'd love to see more but the miracle of getting the 'Major Motion Picture' made may have to be enough. Until Firefly TNG anyway.

79591. Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:13 am
Quaintly Ignorant wrote:
It's contrived, worn out and obviously formulaic.
give me Star Trek anyday

You fiend!

You just made my irony-meter explode :)

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