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Date Posted: 14:29:07 08/27/06 Sun
Author: manwitch
Subject: Re: Age in BtVS
In reply to: skp 's message, "Re: Age in BtVS" on 09:24:59 08/21/06 Mon

I think it makes more sense to suppose that the purpose was to act in this way on the Watcher. To ensure that his loyalties were to the council and not to a particular charismatic and no doubt incredibly attractive slayer. His motivations must not be "personal." As Giles's clearly had become. Giles fails the test not Buffy. Because Giles showed his allegiance to be to the individual, not the council's impersonal claims.

When you look at it, the only person really being required to behave differently is the watcher. He is required to betray his slayer, to take her power away, and to wait to find out if it kills her. The Slayers only roll is that she is confused and frightened. Otherwise, she has not even an awareness that there is a test.

What makes Helpless so beautiful is that we find that Buffy's true power is not rooted in something that the Council, or anyone else for that matter, can take away. Her strength does not lie in kung fu ability or strong abs, it lies in her love and compassion for the world around her, her willingness to sacrifice herself for others.

Giles, as metaphor for Buffy's mind, emphasizes this point, as the message at the end of the episode is that Buffy's choices, even her intellectual ones, are based in love, not following orders or rules. Giles rejects his role in the council's ritual due to his love for Buffy, who is herself doing this stupid ritual only because of her love for her mom.

Anyways, I would say that I am reasonably sure it is NEVER said that Buffy is the oldest of the slayers, historically speaking. She expects to die because that's what happens to slayers. But it is never said that she has outlived the others or even most. My apologies if I'm wrong.

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