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Date Posted: 11:21:07 09/17/06 Sun
Author: MichaelSD
Subject: Re: WB's last hurrah - Buffy & Angel pilots on Sunday
In reply to: Cactus Watcher 's message, "Re: WB's last hurrah - Buffy & Angel pilots on Sunday" on 08:00:18 09/17/06 Sun

Really. If "we" really had a victory (or slayage) here, Joss would still be working.

Same people in power. Same thing. As Green Day called it on their last album: The sub-liminal mind-frack. [in Battlestar Galactaca speak].

I could on a rant here (all could probably). (intellectual property, television control, freedom, yadda...) For all the damage "they" did taking down the original "Napster" (which in my mind that's when the system spying became instutionalized) all under the name of protecting Intellectual Property. But really the OK to do that was "they" also wanted to spy on everything. But how come cable networks (like Time/Warner) can deliberately down grade programs already in High Def (Angel series, for example: by High Def, I mean aspect ratio), they automatically reconvert to 4x3 (badly done also), just so they offer High Def as a "service" they can charge for. Not to mention the re-cuts from the original for more commercials and the advertisements over the program.

Watching Buffy on FX is pitiful (and it is Time/Warner doing it, the downgrade, not FX). THere was an entire verse cut out of "Once More With Feeling" song. And the series finale "Chosen", the scene near the end where Buffy and Spike look at each other from across the room (Joss commentary says its a really beautiful shot that says so much with so little).

My point (do i have points?), if IP is so important and valuable and must be preserved, how can these valuable things be allowed to be altered or changed at all from the original form? To me, this negates any IP or piracy laws. Nothing lasts forever, not ownership, nor risiduals. (Joss doesn't ever have to work!) What a waste...

Sigh. (I'm watching football, Raiders/Jags, so pardon my french, er, typing).

The way creativity is stifled (cancelled shows for no apparent reason, one example), negates any right to control. The FBI is busy. Time to ressurect the Demon of Internet Piracy (probably can't get him to ever leave Amsterdam anymore...)

Has anyone noticed that before cable, there was limited number of real networks (producing shows). The number really hasn't changed. Especially with News Networks. It used to be ABC, CBS, & NBC. Now its CNN, MSNBC, & FOX-NEWS.

I can't believe the rest/most of the world went for DVD regional numbers. "They" haven't made enough money, geez. Make more quality programs, not the same ones over and over. (They don't because they don't have to).

Did I say I was or wasn't going to rant? OK, San Diego Chargers start their home opener in a half hour. Gone...

Remember: If you want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only real Buffy is really really Buffy and she'd gone who?

-Buffybot 6.01 Bargining, Part I

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