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Subject: + Faith

+ Luke
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Date Posted: 22:01:46 07/08/04 Thu
In reply to: Lori 's message, "[| butterfly kisses |]" on 21:27:07 07/08/04 Thu

Easily he made his way to the house, stepping up the front steps as he opened the door for her, waiting her to go in first of course. "After you m'lady." A quick grin was given as she stepped in, he stepping in after her. He glanced around his house, glad that it was clean for once, so that he wouldn't look like nasty kind of guy, in reality he was a neat freak, but he wouldn't own up to it. Nodding towards her. "Do you wanna help? I can do the grilling stuff, and you make the potatoes? If not that's ok.." Shrugging his shoulders he moved over towards the kitchen, opening up the fridge he took out the three steaks that he had already soaking in mariara sauce, and the two ears of corn wrapped in tin foil, he gave her a quick grin. "Ah..just enough for you and me."

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[| butterfly kisses |]Lori22:23:48 07/08/04 Thu

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