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Subject: ::nobody's home::

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Date Posted: 20:28:53 07/20/04 Tue
In reply to: Ashbi 's message, "- obliteration -" on 19:14:25 07/20/04 Tue

::Riding up upon Ibliis,she halted him as she saw Ashbi,dismounting the stud and moving into the shadows of a nearby building.Removing an arrow from her quiver,she readied it to her bow.She shot it,orbs watching as the arrow hit the ground sharply next to Ash's feet.The arrow had hit perfectly on a 45 degree angle,and wouldn't be removed from the ground easily,especially with Ash so tired.Now would have been the perfect time to strike,however,she respected Ash enough to wait until the general was in top fighting condition.A smile crossed her tanned face,and she walked from the shadows,heading towards Ash::

Seriously Ash...get some sleep.I can't fight you like this...it's no fun.

(Chelle,no rush,but when you get a chance,could you do the stats for Orive and Arra's foal and Apollo and Barbed Wire's foal?Thanks.No rush either,just wondering.)

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[ wreckless abandon ]Ashbi10:33:57 08/03/04 Tue

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