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Date Posted: Wed, Oct 10 2001, 19:56:48
Author: Gregor
Subject: The Holy One

Gregor sat down, he looked at Morten and sighed a deep sigh....

Gregor: That attack...The one we performed on Darksin?? How did I come to know it, I have never seen it anywhere before...

The warrior looks up at Morten then down at his crest (OOC: ppl should remeber the first post I wrote about the rose and the blood...read that to refresh if you dont)

Gregor: Heh, I should not get ahead of myself, I will answer your question first Holy o..err...Morten. This is the reason why you are the holy one.
Gregor points to his crest, the rose with a single drop of blood coming from the pettle.

Morten: I'm not following you...

Gregor: You see, I don't know if I should be telling you this...You see, 3 or 4 years from now you will face an enemy like no other. The books from my time are sketchy at best, but they say that the creature lurks in nothingness and brings eternal night wherever it roams. Thats all I know. But from the night there will rise a small pocket of hope...You will create an order...

Gregor again looks at the crest...

Gregor: The Order of the Undying Rose...You gather a handful of elite warriors and wizards to aid you in your fight...you have a son...which in turn gives birth to another son who again gives birth to a son...These "decendents" of yours lead the order when they came of age...The sword was passed down to each leader. I think I'm the....27th...I do have a son left back in my time and when....

Gregor remembered the sword....

Gregor: How am I surpposed to give my son the sword now that im here??

Morten: So my family tree will consist of mainly sons...strange....Oh the sword...don't worry Gregor, we will do our best to return you to your time.

Gregor: I thank thee...

Morten: So what about this monster??

Gregor: As I said, I only know it is pure evil....

Morten: You are holding back on me...tell me EVERYTHING...

Gregor pauses for a second then begins to speak again knowing that Morten could read him like a book...

Gregor: You die along with the creature, a final attack that sends you and the creature into the abyss...

Morten slumped down into the chair...

Morten: That can't be true....I won't allow it to be true...

Gregor: I'll leave you for abit Morten...I'm sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news...But I have vowed to stay with you until that time comes and fight with you until the bitter end...For you are the holy one...and also...Family..

Gregor leaves the room and Morten is all alone to recollect his thoughts.....

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