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Date Posted: Thu, Oct 11 2001, 16:05:17
Author: David and Joe
Subject: Guess who's back?

(David is outside, admiring the Trivadian area...and hunting. He's always on the prowl, letting his intincts take over. He's in a forest [Not the Evil Dead one.] It is there that he hears a sound... A sound like no other. A dimension or two gets ripped apart to allow Joe Hockner to appear!)

Joe: David, is that you?

David: Errrr....

(He changes back into a human form.)

David: Yeah, it's me. What's up? What've you been doing.

Joe: I made sure that Moebius is done for, permenently.

David: Alright! No more screw-ups in time! I'd had enough of him and Kain. So what are you doing back here?

Joe: I just thought I'd look around and see if I can find anyon- anything interesting.

David: What are you REALLY up to?

(But Joe is not listening. He's suddenly focused on a point not too far away, where a battle has just broken out.)

Joe: No way...

David: What?

Joe: Look! It's happening all over again!

(The two fighters are Massacre and...Remy!. Massacre has the upperhand with ease. Almost by instinct, Joe tries to launch himself into battle, but David stops him.)

David: You can't fight him now, Joe! If you do, you'll mess up time!

Joe: But...

David: You told me once about Massacre. If you try to destroy him, you might trigger one of his Changes. Then he'll be way too powerful for anyone in this era! Evil would win the war! Massacre would be the supreme ruler of everything!

Joe: DAMMIT!!!

(With all that David had said, Joe realized that he was totally helpless against Massacre's evil AGAIN. Every time I try to take him down, something always stops me! Joe collapses to the ground as the far-out battle escalates into space.)

David: You knew her?

Joe: ...Yeah.... In my time, she's alive, but has had to endure the worst torment ever conceived. I would do anything to relieve her of that pain, even change the course of time...

David: Any worse than your own experiences?

Joe: Maybe... C'mon, let's go...

(They walk towards the nearest town, which happens to be Sarmento.)

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