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Date Posted: Thu, February 19 2004, 6:34:19 PST
Author: Zoth
Subject: Re: Recruiting (PLEASE READ AND COMMENT)
In reply to: Zeppy 's message, "Re: Recruiting (PLEASE READ AND COMMENT)" on Wed, February 18 2004, 18:24:14 PST

Hiya folks!

I know I still have the wrapping on me, I'm so new to the guild...but I've been raiding in EQ a very long time, in some of the hardest zones in the game...with some of the best guilds on any server....and I've learned something.

Growth with raiding in mind is a double edged sword.

If the Army grows to a size large enough to do substantial raids (36+ people usually on any given raid) the demand is suddenly there from the membership to advance, and raid bigger/better things. This leads to more growth, and usually a loss of the "family" feel that makes guilds like Army so special, and such a nice place to be.

Dont get me wrong, raiding can be a BLAST!! Some of the best times I have had in EQ were on large raids (50+ people)...but I also know where it can lead. I guess what it boils down to is what do you want from a guild? A family, where you can feel like you belong, and relax, without people telling you when or where you have to play...or a second job to get uber loot, which most raiding guilds quickly become?

I know what I want from EQ, but thats because I've seen both sides. I like to relax and have fun now.

But...just because we dont have or want a raiding guild doesnt mean we cant raid and advance. Some options?

1) Learn to do more with less. One of the best guilds I was ever in (Relics) was also one of the best guilds ever to hit EQ. Granted, they had a rigid structure, and a stiff raiding schedule you HAD to adhere to, but they were able to make it work for them. They did a LOT with very little (half the size force to take down mobs other guilds in the same area would use). We could do something similar within a family environment, and not lose the tight knit feel in Army.

2) Form pick up raids. I know many dislike pickup raids, but some can be very well run. Some servers also have raid alliances set up, where individuals from many different guilds join a coallition of sorts, to raid areas without the umbrella of a guild, and still maintaining their own guild affiliations. On some servers these raid groups work VERY well. On Mith Marr some of them have even taken down PoP bosses such as Rallos Zek the Warlord, and others. Not suggesting we rush right out and try and take on PoP elemental progression mobs, but we could do much the same, on a smaller scale, and do areas like Hate, Fear, Mischief, BoT Towers, Kael, ToV, etc...

Well, just a couple ideas =) We could try either of these, or none. I for one am having fun in Army, but I'd happily help guildies raid and advance if thats what they decided they wanted to do...as long as we didnt get too hardcore.

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