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Date Posted: Mon, March 01 2004, 9:01:20 PST
Author: Casrinol
Subject: Re: The Aims and Goals of the army
In reply to: Hellforge 's message, "The Aims and Goals of the army" on Sun, February 29 2004, 15:50:33 PST

I have to agree with pretty much everything you said Hell minus the 60+ thing(i remeber when lvl cap was 50 oh i miss those days). I joined army not to long ago when i met Juken in his first form. He helped me out tremendously even though he did not know me at all. That was a driving influence on my joining army. I have always been a giving person in game and usually will go out of the way for folks if im not busy. Its part of being a social player and descent person. That said i think we need to look at how we as an Army are precieved by other players. There are those that have left army that have left a bad taste in several gamers mouths outside of Aotbr and as such have made it more difficult for others such as myslef to get groups(was actually told man the folks in your guild are assholes in refrenece to players that were kicked out of guild in the past). Now im a cleric and having a hard time getting a group because of what others precieve pisses me off. Image is a big thing. Showing that we are a capable and compotent guild will help change alot of how things are done in game for alot of people. And having been in several guilds at various time during my time on EQ my biggest pet peeve has to be Raid attendance. Ok if your an officer and your logged on and you dont come to a raid for your guild your wrong. There is no nicetys involved your wrong in my opinion. How can we grow as a unit if we cant even get all the officers that are logged on to come to raid(even a mini raid) So the raid isnt for something you need or your not getting exp it doesnt matter be there for support. If the crap hits the fan and you couldve helped make things run smoother and you say after the fact well damn guess i couldve helped out your wrong. Sorry about the rant but that is one thing i did not allow as a guild leader or as a guild officer in my old guilds. Members yeah its optional but encouraged Officers better be there unless RL takes over. Having said that i hope we can do something like we did on sunday a little more regularly. It was a learning process and we accomplished a set goal. Good job all that showed up. If we can work out the high end folks we can be stronger in the long term.

Casrinol Arisenarchon

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