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Date Posted: 22:07:19 09/13/12 Thu
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-33-77.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Re: Had the most ridiculous couple of days ...
In reply to: Caroline 's message, "Had the most ridiculous couple of days ..." on 15:04:26 09/06/12 Thu

I'm always worried about locking myself out accidentally. See I don't have a working key for one of the locks on the door. My roommate and I have never locked it but it's a press lock and could happen quite easily. I probably should change the doorknob but it's been that way for several years.

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[> Re: Had the most ridiculous couple of days ... -- chuckit25 (Only a couple of days?), 12:46:35 09/18/12 Tue (cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com/

Isn't that just normal life?

Comfort and Mindfulness don't seem to go together, in the brain/body connection, for some reason. I notice that sudden, sharp pain or that "near death miss" takes your mind off whatever was so terribly important. Meditation that keeps you both "unworried and mindful" (takes work/no effort) doesn't concern itself with access to drugs, other than why there was suffering over access to drugs and therefore its power over you.

I have a dozen pair of "readers" for dealing with the popularity of smaller and smaller fonts, and they never are around where I need them. (Riding on my head--haven't found coffee up there, either).

I guess I'm really not one to be talking about drugs, as I think they should all be legalized and end the real economic strangle hold that they have. The number of deaths would increase for a bit and then level off, IF and only IF, the society at large also offers the support, including jobs, for these addicts. Meth is a real problem as it destroys the brain, while heroin can be maintained for years.

Water is the real "drug" the world will be worrying about--the US exports water in food, and the poorest countries try to balance budgets in loss of their own water, as they lose the land in subsistence living (and all wars are about "the land") and good luck in living without either.

I have to mention that "end of the world" is in the kids of the drug wars. Spanish translation in Central/South America I know of is in "those with daggers." They don't even have the desperation of some belief e.g. the "suicide bombers"--even supposed "the godless" Russians were very aware of the cost of millions of lives lost.

These kids fully are nihilistic, women are traded as tokens. There is no belief or reason or hope for anything other than now, that will end. Seriously. You have to know why my hope lies with the women in this world, as governments fund themselves to 'fight chaos' from exactly the same sources: there is no difference.

As for fleas, my vet injects something that kills eggs,too, and lasts for months. Those "spread from the neck" types can injure the skin, uneven distribution, I hear. With drought and warm winters, it seemed the only solution, as these fleas can ride in on your socks, if worn (ha), even for cats kept indoors--and tapeworm can be caried by fleas, too, I hear. Need it. Pay the cartel, I guess.

I am aware of other creepies in Brown Recluse Spiders and the very scary Hanta virus in dryness.

I am aware Britain has a lot of rain right now, and the slugs living on rot is discouraging for gardeners everywhere. "sopping up that much wet" isn't the only problem when the air is so wet and "rots" the leaves, the engines of feeding the plants. I feel for you. Here, the spring was so promising, early and great rain. But the drought killed that off for dry farmers. Irrigators paid more, but have a crop. The roads have been mowed for feed and that means what is left for winter is poor and I hate to tell you how many people "respond" with their horses in just "turning 'em lose. I know this happens (everywhere) in Ireland when the love of the horse, their national animal, overtakes resources.

I have to tell you, slow hunger has become "genetic" in Guatemala. They are highly Catholic there, fearful of hospitals, as the too late arrivals and offers of "tube tying" are spread as proof of death houses. And men aren't men without a dozen kids for their "proof of God's gifts." The women are simply exhausted from work, starvation and men's virtue. Kids are born smaller and "slower." If wishes were horses....

I guess you are aware that a clerk or software writes/ups the code of your own healthcare in this U.S. country, too. The whole "Middle Man" industry of "private insurance" pays investors, as the bona fide reason to exist--and why is that always, always surprising when business exists to "maximize profits," and is asked to be "moral"--and does what for your doctor's education/debt and your own access to health? Fun, eh? It takes up to three generations for "health savings" to actually pay off. The US survives by the measure of the quarter.

Europe's problems are (a lot) in the euro without a Treasury-Fed behind it, as had governments with their own currencies, despite the importance of the political (and hope for ending wars) in the "rise of the euro." And yet the "corruption of interests" (and no tax revenue) caused the hyperinflation of yesteryear. Funny how Germany banks encouraged the "investments of default" and now go Calvinistic on the "sins of people" who did nothing wrong; their governments weren't actually that deeply in debt; and now are, without any ability to actually stimulate employment, over that "fear of inflation"--which, Caroline, you know in spades.

Luckily the "central bank" is stepping in, in a crippled kind of capacity, that satisfies banks, but not people. the suffering is real and goes on. Kinda like the half assed approach of Obama, suddenly getting religion in guarantees of stimulus (but still not forcing banks to actually lend to, we the people, when loans at 3 percent can't "beat" the 5% they pay to each other), even though the new promised "sanctions" on China are to get around "zero trade tariffs."

Most people don't understand that the US economy is 15 trillion dollars. That's a lot. So a little inflation, say 3-4 percent, would go along way to "reducing the "out of thin air" printing of money/buying toxic waste and making them "bonds" kinds of debt. The debt thus "vanishes." Not to mention, shipping that money off to help "stimulate" states to pay for teachers/firemen/cops/justice system etc. actually make real people who aren't already rich spend their income so "their spending is my income" and provides a more stabile society. But, I guess we were all supposed to be constuction workers or something.

That states can't afford to use. Neato. Why? States get get no tax revenue, when there is no demand (or federal infusions) and can't keep a teacher on the job and also "magically" fix the roads.

It's simple, really. "Your spending is my income" is the generator of taxes. A construction job lasts only a while, but teaching builds societies and is always necessary.

Further, governments have to do the opposite of households in "cutting back" and "saving" in times of a depression. Ask the survivors of the depression or the Japanese stuck in 10 years of depression in the 90's when "cutting interest rates"--already at zero--can't "monetize" the system. No one will even begin to listen to "cut my wages" in an economy where wages have been flat for 20 years, for most people, that will never be recovered already).

You're gonna think what you think about as you aren't "macro economics," but gee, those new Ipods are indeed part of GDP in advertising and distribution, even though we didn't manufacture them. If you agree, you agree demand drives supply and that makes you a Keynesian. So there you are. Enough on economics and finance.

No, don't fix the lock. You are always mindful of it. It's that draught that might slam it you need to fix.
And carry a very stiff credit card....

Good to back (even though you now are wishing I'd go away--hee hee).

Be well!

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