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Date Posted: 10:21:00 09/19/12 Wed
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Happily Ever After - MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Happily Ever After - MNA" on 11:22:14 08/07/12 Tue

You know I love the union of opposities in the paradox of life/death as source/end of love.

It's the suffering part. Pain is helpful to learn, but suffering turns out to be a choice. It's not about "moral" as in the right kind of suffering e.g. the confrontation of fear. It's like giving power to things that keep you from the real joy of this existence, in the reality of real "in your face" of loss, that makes all the reason for this life to be so precious and reason to celebrate. Even as we all will lose our lives.

I guess martial arts make you understand a lot of things about the nature of "material;" and asking about the truth of the dichotomy of "spirit" and "material"--to exist, doesn't that mean they are both "material?" I don't agree that "nothing" must always be material; our brains require that it is. (This has to do with what is "source," if there is any thing like a "beginning" that is behind thought in archeype and symbol when I rather think the paradox of things exposes more of truth or reality.

I think I considered the nature of living forever, in this vampire and daemon stuff of Buffy, couched in the myths of Odysseus, etc; as either too dark in the dissolution of self required (the death metaphor--e.g. childhood dies to be an adult--which is why the death of "magic" means no imagination; or the darkness of being so utterly bored with my own voice that dissolution has to be a gift.

Season eight was the first time I saw Joss produce the positive view of what "solution" looks like aka "enlightenment." And, of course, "the up" of it makes it a switch in metaphors and is therefore creating the incorrect interpretation of what Twilight is versus the horror agenda of "let's hate the sky bully" (atheism) and thus, it became an "eden" that is a hell or trap, hero Buffy chooses to leave. Which is too bad, as this is absolutely what is not happening or what was shown for an entire of "fracking." (Zen and Tantra were used).

The flip of the serpent as "evil" is in the premise of Buffy that "sex" shall always be evil; and the Freudian unconcious is the source of evil and "the devil."

The truth in season 8 was shown that it is the (material) cakra of the Kundalini SYMBOLIZED as a smale female serpent, that is actually "unfurled" up your spine. Willow was doing the identical thing that Buffy and Angel were in her travelling the "astral plane."

Anyone can experience it, with training, because this journey really is about the nature of self living in the world. This world. It is why Jesus goes to the cross as "the bridgegroom to the bride."

It is no different than the passion within any of the relgions, Buddha, Mohammed, Osiris and Isis, even those going back 10,000 years in Hinduism, and "modernized" in myths to be of symbolic referencing that is understood in any time and the journeys and lessons are shown in chivalry rising from fertility rites, couched in "male and female" principles within each and every human being; and always, always, the female principle is key. They are all the same story.

So cheer up already!
Be well!

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