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Date Posted: 07:39:41 09/21/12 Fri
Author: Michael
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: It's still going...
In reply to: SV 's message, "At what point did the Buffy story end for you?" on 17:44:47 09/20/12 Thu

As far as a sequel film or TV series is concerned, it depends on Joss. The default would be for continuity with the comics, but if he comes up with a great plotline that breaks continuity, then he might as well go for it.

The movie "Serenity" wasn't entirely consistent with the TV series, after all.

(As far as Seasons 6-7 are concerned, I think they're at least equal in quality to the earlier seasons. And I think they make the series as a whole thematically more satisfying.)

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[> [> Re: It's still going... -- chuckit25, 10:06:47 09/21/12 Fri (cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com/

I have spoilers re “Cabin in the Woods” and comic seasons for anyone who cares.

I don’t think any season was a complete and utter loss. But nearly every finale bombed for me, except the end of season 3, as example, because Buffy included everyone to fight for their world. I think it was life affirming/the power of forgiveness and connection, as well as, inclusive/responsible and “humanity” in this capacity won. I already said I did identify with Angel and thus, it is easy to recognize the mythical significance of this character to Buffy and to why he remains “stuck” as a vampire.

I don’t believe in the “hero’s curse” of either the job or the “lover” or no one could be a worker in fire, police, protection services, or in space, especially in a book touting “feminism” which means “ women who are comfortable is a world in which all are comfortable.” Especially when “shoulder to shoulder” is understanding and equality in service, especially as shown with B/A, back to back and working chaos from the circle instead of the line.

This notion has to do with the idea of human lovers face each other, not “I gotcher back” and the avoidance of the “machinelle” in killing, in the strategy of “the (phalanx/robotic) line.” Besides, Spike is chaos and “now” in characteristic versus Angel’s usual end/begin and order—why Twilight was so important to me as a great conclusion in the “forever now” and the “old world” has to die; OR all have the capacity to be in Twilight and no “bodhisattva” is necessary in how to live in THIS world. What was shown was twisted into Eden and that “ruined” over 30 books to arrive at the wrong story. And I truly believe they knew it, as they felt “lost” and “over the top” in how to incorporate the “magic seed” NOW as this “power source” when clearly B/A mythically were, leaving Twilight Kitty, with a “fall back” position or “real intention all along to get the Seed” utterly “mixed messages” and confusing, especially now, with “everybody just forgets the entire world war and are okay with two-colors rainsbows. (Should have been three, at least the primary colors and to reference the three elements of life/death/love always in play, even in Buffy/Angel/Spike).

So…season 6 and 7 either bored or was opportunity wasted. And a bad finale in 7. The heroine was so scared she created an “army of her” to keep saving the world in some ache for “normal” as a real possibility. And this general suddenly decides to “kill them all” so her job is done. Forever. She actually never did take back her power as an individual woman after the rape scene with Spike. His journey “to be worthy as sacrifice” being served cost Buffy’s story/empowered female to me. And, believe me, I have had a first row seat to the difference.

While I agree that 1-5 was the power story, and it ending at the point it did would have been okay for Buffy. Preferable even. I was “good” here.

However, “they” changed the use of Angel from Herald, now go away and die, to the story of “union of opposites” and I wait for the promise of the full myth/narrative, which I will never get. Especially using fairy tale motifs throughout, as well.

Thus, the promise fulfilled again arrived in season 8, and again was denied. I appreciated the Twilight use of myth (and the 50’s, it would seem) in season 8. It was a difficult book and “OOC” was the biggest complaint I heard of in this new world of comics and to me, “feminism” continues to show up by the lack of its presence. Not drawing “big boobs” is not sufficient for feminism, as feminism includes all people as females “create” every cell of every single person on the planet and, mythically, she is active principle, as well as “the slayer” in the darkness.

“Obsession” and god knows what became the “story” of season 8. Kinda like those Gods/beings “Upstairs” allowing or “in balance as some untold opposition” to what and who went on “Downstairs.” And, just maybe that “Upstairs” was about life affirmation in the “change of systems” in “Cabin in the Woods.” After all, free will and the instinct to survive are not exactly seen as the “exercise of free will,” TOO.

Joss leaves out half the universe he builds in each story for an agenda and most certainly a POV that really ignores “truth” in his version of telling it. That is why his “finales” don’t work for me. I hated everything from PowerPlay to NFA in ATS and it took Brian Lynch to “get it” and tell the story more mythically and correctly. ATS ended with his series. And, yes, Joss hated it. Tough sack and shriveled nuts to him. If he didn’t want the complexity of “which world” of the avatar and the “real world” he shouldn’t have dished out Dawn and Connor and most certainly what “the slayer” as female principle is about.

And, “Joss got the girl” as he always planned before he “invented” the union of opposites in Buffy/Angel. It was supposed to end with Buffy/ Xander, as Joss didn’t want his heroine with vampires. And it actually did with Dawn, the everyman and real girl, with Buffy now as the avatar. Fine. That means she better NEVER die, as “female principle” is the key to the darkness and what to do, what to learn, and how to draw help within every human being. And that means Death must become her friend, not just the cursed lover—which is why the two vampires will never have a resolution to their own stories and everything remains stuck and even “regressive” with adventures going nowhere and learning never sticking.

Joss admitted he never liked the good guy who was also good looking and admitted he never had an idea what to do with Angel. And the reality of the “backstage/suits” stories utterly twisting the reality of canon has to be part of understanding that canon, which defeats the “story.” People who see it now have utterly bizarre views on this verse nowadays. The shipper wars are old guard versus the new kids on the block. They “move on” and shippers don’t handle this well. Further, the plot nowadays isn’t mythical, so the gossipy nature of the story is soapy/boring (hack hack) to me. Angel and Faith is again Osiris and Isis. Besides Apollo and Athena.

Season 9 has been a regression of unbelievable proportions—Buffy was more mature at 17 than she is now. It doesn’t help that they are trying to make someone who was a general into clueless 20 again, in order to have her eternally telling comic book stories. The point of her story was originally “growing up” and that means she MUST die. Which is why the Gift was perfect, as she recounted her lessons and all those who gave her the insight, with thought of WWJD: what would Joyce do.

The death metaphor allows the transformation that allows someone into the “world/dimension” of adulthood. And the transfiguration of the vampire. Spike should have been mortal, had the necklace not been a trick by W&H to trap him. However, Spike himself did not will himself into his mortal body. (Or W&H allowed only a vampire body within their walls/dimension. He has always wanted to remain a vampire. So that is fine, as Angel longs for mortality. And since Angel is Death, how does Death die? Obviously, Buffy. That is what Twilight was also about for him. The world/plane of the psyche versus the world of dirt is in play as “timeline/dimensionality”

Now the grown up world is simply universally “out of balance,” and we can expect Whistler to be evil, so that is boring; and the decay is being counteracted by Willow to restore the magic to a “neverland/oz” sort of place; and avoid Fray’s timeline of final, utter, decay. I fully expect the “Cabin in the Woods” “ Ancient Gods” to rear their heads. It’s just all stupid, while Angel & Faith’s book is at least exciting, inclusive of the latest crossovers, and Gile’s world rolled into the mix.

Spike played the role of shadow or tanist, so his relationship with Buffy and Angel is mythically and scripted not to be the major relationship or plotted journey/character, which, actually, he is even acting upon. He’s tired of a half relationship. Cracked half an eye lid at the succubus and Sebastian, the bug.

So, gotta go with SV. The Gift. The end for Buffy and Brian Lynch’s ATF for Angel.

As for film, they have to all be mortal and do a flash back story, or "visiting Neverland/Oz" of vampires and slayers, using the dual time line story of season 8, which actually started when Buffy died and Faith was called. It's like the Star Trek reboot.

DB now says he would like to do it, as his movie career went no where, and he actually now could do a good job for Joss; the fandom is still there, after all, as B/A/S is the "big daddy" for all the vamp/were love stories now.

Be well

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