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Date Posted: 11:07:20 10/11/12 Thu
Author: chuckit25 ((oh, no...my brain hurtz?))
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-128-83.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: What do you think?

Considering there are few people who follow the Angel and Buffy franchises in the comics, what things do you want to see here--besides all the "missing in action" fans? Do you follow the Joss verse, in general? How?

I would like to see you offer links to your own sites, if you have them, or in interests you have, if you wish to share, especially to those who like to do photograhy or vids or write fan fic or "show" a trip to somewhere with their pleasures and caveats, for example. Admittedly, the world of travel experienced by women would be very different a POV than I had back in the day! I also think your own neighborhoods are a surprise, since we are scattered from coast to coast.

We are aware that Lewis does the "heavy lifting" in providing the MNA and I am in hopes that his concerns really aren't surrounding concern over his dad. I hope Lew is just finding how to organize his time in a balance he finds works well. I hope we didn't chase off Robert, it would seem, with his wonderful quizzes. I think a little cheating to jog our memories isn't "out of school"-after all, "open book" is also "research." ha!

We don't have the "caption action capture" thread and, man, that was funny and spicy hot. I do think the biggest problem is in "how to" kinds of problems with the actual technology and all the changes that confuse us. I was thinking of you, Salty, in depending on a computer, but trying to do different things with it as confusing or just frustrating. It does take practice in what to do what to see and what now when it all goes nutz!

I am finally getting fed up with paying for the "latest and greatest" as some unpaid Beta, so I do notice I am getting stubborn and rigid and old--why I like the forum format still, instead of chasing around each fiefdom elsewhere--I simply haven't the time. Literally! I don't mind coming here in "one spot" to find links to you!

For example, to the point of explanation, I do think Lewis has a real gift for explanation, as we also saw in SV in a very generous summary that avoided all the antagonisms of the fandom--and comic geeks have their own, as well.

Perhaps a very clear, step by step explanation in "how to" for those still confused in "how to" would be useful? I think that some of us posted a few pictures that were not only MNA picture postings e.g. a lovely garden. I do understand "privacy" needs, and you know I have them for the benefit/necessity of others, but I enjoyed seeing Toothy's beautiful work and even his tutorials on his own site and sweet Garbo, the kitty who recently passed, for example.

I do think "follow their directions" over at X link might not be enough on this score?

I admit I am not into romance novels, but I know a few of you are as in 75 percent of all publishing, so you might like to share your insights into kim's work or why you enjoy the kind of media you do? We do talk "tv" a lot, and we used to even admit to guilty pleasures.

What do you think?

Be well !

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[> Re: What do you think? -- Saltygoodness, 17:06:13 10/11/12 Thu (NoHost/

I'm willing to try anything to keep this board open and interesting, but limited in ability and intelligence. So, count me in and lead on McDuff!

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[> Re: What do you think? -- Lewis H., 15:26:48 10/19/12 Fri (adsl-98-85-39-96.mco.bellsouth.net/

I think we already do this but I like talking about other shows that fit in the genre: Vampire Diaries, Lost Girl, Being Human.

I think Beauty and the Beast is worth a look. Watched the premier and it wasn't bad. It has potential anyway although, like any other genre show it also can just fade away especially since it is a remake. At least in this version the "beauty" is a little more kick ass although she still suffers from a little damsel-in-distress syndrome.

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