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Date Posted: 22:40:49 10/22/12 Mon
Author: Caroline
Author Host/IP: 5e040a35.bb.sky.com /
Subject: Yay-hay!

I've got a job for the second half of the autumn term. Oddly enough, it's to teach History rather than English but I don't care 'cos it's a really good school! And I love History.

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[> Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! -- kim, 09:43:43 10/23/12 Tue (cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com/

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[> That's (wait for it) -- Lewis H., 11:29:20 10/23/12 Tue (adsl-98-85-39-96.mco.bellsouth.net/

AWESOME !!!! So what flavor history? A specific time period or since the beginning of Western Civilization?

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[> [> Re: That's (wait for it) -- Caroline, 22:39:31 10/23/12 Tue (5e040a35.bb.sky.com/

Dunno yet. It's Key Stage 3, which means ages 11-13 so I don't imagine it will be the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. I suppose the Industrial Revolution and the First World War will be in there somewhere (Good excuse to show Warhorse) but I wish we could do the Renaissance.

Of course, if I show Warhorse, I'm going to cry uncontrollably.

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[> Re: Yay-hay! -- Caroline, 12:18:54 10/25/12 Thu (5e040a35.bb.sky.com/

Looks like it will be the Roman Empire, 1st WW and the Industrial Revolution! Golly, yawn. Why can't we do the Medici, the Borgias, Catherine the Great and the Plantagenets for a change?

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[> [> Re: Yay-hay! -- Lewis H., 23:21:32 10/25/12 Thu (adsl-98-85-39-96.mco.bellsouth.net/

Well, aren't those the 3 themes they used for the London Olympics?

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[> [> [> Re: Yay-hay! -- Caroline, 00:54:34 10/26/12 Fri (5e040a35.bb.sky.com/

Yes. Probably, the whole world now thinks that we run around in short tunics and stovepipe hats whilst shouting 'Death to Johnny Foreigner!'.

I may have to take to my bed for a while.

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