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Date Posted: 12:46:04 10/29/12 Mon
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-39-96.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Voted today glad that's dones

Tried to vote Saturday but overslept. By the time I got there the line around the library was way too long. Got there at 7AM today and within 15 minutes there were already 20 people in line. By the time the place actually opened at 8AM it was already stretched around the building.
Glad people are voting I suppose although I probably disagree with most of them since I genereally vote no on any amendment and am voting for the Libertarian presidential candidate.

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[> Re: Voted today glad that's dones -- kim, 21:55:46 10/30/12 Tue (cpe-75-82-42-119.socal.res.rr.com/

Sent my ballot in a while ago. I permanently receive them by mail since I don't have a car.

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[> Re: Voted today glad that's dones -- Caroline, 00:56:49 11/03/12 Sat (5e082922.bb.sky.com/

Tedious, though necessary. I took out a postal vote years ago when I was working away from home and am loath to change it. My mum sends the form on and wherever I am, I can fill it in and post it or take it to a local polloing station.

I can't imagine who I'll vote for next - they're all pretty awful. Perhaps I should set up my own party? The party for nice people who want to get things done!

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