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Date Posted: 12:23:28 11/02/12 Fri
Author: SV
Author Host/IP: nycmspsrvz3ts107-dmz.mycingular.net /
Subject: The movie Taxi Driver...

...does anyone else agree that Travis Bickle(Deniro) didn't have PTSD like most analysis say, but rather was paranoid schizophrenic/delusional a la Donnie Darko? I've read review after review, analysis after analysis, and I'v. Never seen a single reviewer who "got" that Charles Palantine in the back of his cab was a "ghost", as was the young Scorsese who Travis refused to speak to, who said he was gonna shoot his (cheating) wife in the face with a certain type of gun. Like Frank the Bunny telling Donnie "burn it to the ground", this was Travis's illness giving him dark ideas, telling him what weapon to use and what wound to inflict.

Anyone else ever notice this? (The movie with Kevin Costner as a serial killer, "Mr. ?" I can't recall the title, stole this idea of talking to your haunting "ghost" by the rear-view mirror reflection of the backseat but never turning around.

Am I the crazy one? Or is the an analysis you've noticed as well? Cuz no one seems to but me, so I'm a minority of one.

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[> Re: The movie Taxi Driver... -- Lewis H., 17:14:04 11/04/12 Sun (adsl-98-85-39-96.mco.bellsouth.net/

I think schizophrenic or MPD is more likely with Palantine being another personality. However, there are so many options that you can mix and match to get such a personality and odds are writers and directors aren't worried too much about what specific psychological disorder fits a character but what plays best on screen. Often you will see traits in characters that you would never see in a real life mental patient because they are on opposite sides of the spectrum and caused by very different conditions.

The most overriding trait in Bickle is supposed to be his obsession but they show no other OCD traits. Again, though, they are producers of fiction not doctors of psychiatry.

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