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Date Posted: 13:41:27 08/31/13 Sat
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-201-26.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Can't call that "education." Remotely.
In reply to: chuckit25 's message, "Re: Supposed to...eh?" on 12:49:20 08/29/13 Thu

What? Some "we are the world" documentary and pledge drive, that actually discusses “reality,” inclusive of the abuser/murderer and we, the participating audience must act to recognize our own choices are allowing such abusers/murderers to go unrecognized, untreated, and free to create the vicim/survivor? And are such “need to tell the story” the new "guides and counselors" to survivorhood in their own ocmmunities with * both * other abusers and other "survivors?"

I don't believe in secrets, and the stiff upper lip of silence, but I also don't believe in this format to "tell my story." Some stranger "out there" will suddenly "get help" and "become a survivor" versus a victim? Why then is season 1, episode 1 telling me this education requires such repetition?

Why do we not really ask what we, the society, are actually doing re the abuser and what makes them? Indicting and praising individuals, exploited in some prurient interest and worse as some societal "drama" giving the “participating public” this grand “feel good” "dramatic relief" that a victim is now “on her way, down the yellow brick road to Oz” as a survivor is exactly the nature of drama. A beginning, middle and end surrounding trauma that the editors, script writers, re-enactors, et al lights, sound and roll’em produce for said arrival “at suvivor land” actually removes the actual person from the events of their life to do this ‘educating’ that is really phony and prurient recreation of trauma and feel good social relief from the actual events. Cut to commercial that also isn’t “real” in real life.

Remembering the events of the past are often colored by the insights of the present, and thus the road to survivorship was “always there” and is the relief from danger society demands. Even though this “indivudal story” is really a gigantic club because our society is indeed so violent, abandoned and victimized for very real reasons shows like this will never address. Bring on the next “act” is not education or an answer to anything, IMO. Drama is educational because it doesn’t lie that the POV is indeed skewed for a reason, to raise the question or point the finger, among them. Real people hoping to help others move from “victim” to “survivor” may be what Charisma intends, but episode “two” says the “story” really isn’t about Charisma at all. And the other two people are just dead.

I hope you hate every second of this show. I hope you will turn it off and cast your vote that Charisma does indeed live and deserves the respect of her whole being, her “educating” us to her real spirit of working hard to make us feel our own lives through her skills and her understanding, her dedication, devotion and discipline to show the entire “story” of even a moment. Change me because I met you. Don’t make me glad I’m not you—my pain is only an “episode.”

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