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Date Posted: 20:53:38 03/28/12 Wed
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-45-125.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Random Musings - MNA

Damn this flu bug is taking forever to go away. Oh well. Can't let that stop me from entertaining the masses cause you know E=MC you squares (or something relatively close to that.)

So looking for more recent pics I plug 2012 into the search engine along with a name and voila:

If I felt better I'd do a full imdb catch up for you. Maybe next week. Until then remember if a cyborg from the future comes to chase you down just shoot yourself in the head and wreck the whole movie franchise. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

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[> Re: Random Musings - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 22:59:46 03/28/12 Wed (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

Aren't they a grand looking group? I wish Charisma life was a little more settled. Of course, she may have been married again and divorced for all I know. Thank you, dear puny Lewis, for thinking of us when you are just now departing the "please, let me die" train. We appreciate all that you do. Hugs

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[> [> Re: Random Musings - MNA -- chuckit25, 16:58:14 03/29/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Just found out that Bones will be back in Fall, so DB will still keep you company. House, Finder, the spin off from Bones, and Terra Nova: gone.

AND! for Veggie, if she is still out there, dear Andy Hallett, who died 3 years ago, is remembered with clean water project, which is what Nathan Fillon asked for for his birthday a few days ago. Lovely.
Be well

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[> [> [> Nooooooooooo, Terra Nova can't be gone. And was Bones' -- Saltygoodness, 17:23:52 03/29/12 Thu (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

return ever in doubt? House? I'm sick and tired, tired and sick and bored as well so not a disappointment. But, Terra Nova? I. am. devastated. *collapses in sobbing heap*

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[> [> [> [> Re: Nooooooooooo, Terra Nova can't be gone. And was Bones' -- chuckit25, 11:58:45 03/31/12 Sat (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Well, I am sorry for you. True Blood for you is still going and some folks still like that NCIS.

Maria Bello in Prime Suspect is gone for me. Brings out ashes and sack cloth. Tunes voice for deeply affecting groans, moans, and interpretive angsty screeching.

BUT! Castle is still going, as is Mentalist and, of course, Lewis recs and you guys "filling in the blanks" for me re Vamp Diaires and Person of Interest. Like that one. Grimm and Once UPon a Time are renewed; and Supernatural...it just doesn't know how to die. I think they did the best stuff, so killing off Bobby didn't pay off with a small reprisal of Castiel, made useless. I practically expect this big, splitting placenta and the boys to emerge into "the new, grown-up world" of actually having to BE those boring guys, snooping into the really sad and pathetic lost, raving on about demons and "the end of the world." A good end, considering it's 2012 and we may as well do that myth all wrong, too. heh.

Fringe will get one more to figure out how to kill it--wonder when the baby is going to be used.

Awake was great until (the second episode) they gave it away of some "dark powers" running this operation on this guy. Killed it for me.

Touch is touching, and the intelligence is in those kind of cause and effect, all come together weavings (e.g. Crash) that may be "satisfying"--so far. Because this is a child, I do hope it doesn't bring people through so much for the tragedy and "you had to die." And I sure hope I don't get "preached at."

For all the "tough women" shows, they just don't make me care. Good Wife gets a zoom through and I guess I am down to Harry's Law, as I adore Kathy Bates. ("Grand Poobah of Upper Butt Crack" has to be one of the most brilliant put down on record from "Dolores Claiborn.") Problem is David E. Kelly "formula" Take a brilliant idea, blow it open, preach at people, wander around until the network blows a gasket and we have the paper, echoing halls and 'SMELL THAT SHOE' ringing through our heads as THE GREAT MOMENT around a lot of what ever were they thinking? I was actually hoping this would have extended the Pacino film "And Justice for All."

Treme, Boardwalk Empire, Mad Men, and some Leverage, White Collar for fun. So WHERESTHEWOMENS?
Be well,

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[> [> [> [> [> Re : Where are the women? -- Lewis H., 12:55:36 03/31/12 Sat (adsl-98-85-45-125.mco.bellsouth.net/

Virtually every USA show has strong female characters, even those that don't have a woman as the lead. In Plain Sight is back for its final season, and Fairly Legal is back for its second season. I'm out on Fridays but USA usually reruns its shows on Saturday mornings at late night during the week. Psych is back as well and while it only has one female role with any meat to it she is probably the only character that isn't a joke on the show. (The show is more comedy than cop though so maybe that isn't the best for the actress.)

Right now though, imo, the strongest female character is Anna Silk's succubus on Lost Girl. This week the strong male lycanthrope had to hide in the bar while Bo saved him from being executed for a crime he didn't commit. Like Buffy she is not in the damsel in distress role. However,
Kinsey and the bartender get all the best lines.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Re : THAR be the tale -- chuckit25 (OOF! THANKS! You said this one), 11:38:04 04/01/12 Sun (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

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[> Re: Random Musings - MNA -- chuckit25, 09:36:11 03/29/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

It just goes to show, it's not the show, but the go. They look great, even if the clothes don't suit.

Come on...our favorite couple. gorgeous. just.

And! Charisma. THUS. She is just so pretty. I keep thinking that she needs to kill her hairdresser; it is rare they just "stop" with the doing more stuff to it. I think she looks gorgeous here. just.

I gather she is the real mother to the twins on Lying Game, so second season of it (after 2 sets of 10, are probable. At least she has a job recurring a part, as she has a 9 year old boy now to chase down. ha! And don't even ask how I know this...little gossips, so in the know, ya know, like?

Be well!

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