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Date Posted: 12:07:52 04/01/12 Sun
Author: sparkle
Author Host/IP: 24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com /
Subject: Spring sprang early in STL, so life is crazy but...

I'm just curious watch you all are watching!

Mine are for better or worse:

My beloved Castle
New Girl
Being Human
Lost Girl (just because)
I'm sort of in to Awake, but still not sure
now addicted to NCIS because of USA network
Psych, because it's just too funny

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[> Wow 1st post in ages and I didn't check it. *sigh* -- sparkle That was WHAT you all are watching., 12:09:30 04/01/12 Sun (24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

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[> Re: Spring sprang early in STL, so life is crazy but... -- krazy kat, 22:36:34 04/01/12 Sun (p4300.mpm.edu/


Game of Thrones season 2 starts tonight! Very good show!

Alcatraz just wrapped up. Love Hauser and Coma Girl. Haven't seen the season finale yet.

Castle, Hawaii Five-0/Smash.
Being Human, Lost Girl (SyFy)
Psych, Criminal Minds
Vampire Diaries, Secret Circle, Person of Interest
Nikita, Supernatural, Fringe, sometimes Grimm if Fringe is not showing. Merlin (SyFy) - just had it's season finale.
Being Human (British version on BBC America)

For likable, strong women, I'd go with USA and SyFy (same company umbrella of NBC Universal). I love the entire cast of Covert Affairs. Lost Girl is turning out to be good fun and they are layering the universe and characters out.

I enjoyed the short season runs for The River, Alcatraz, White Collar (you wouldn't think a show this light would have great cliff hangers, but it does!), Royal Pains. USA and SyFy are starting to confuse me because as soon as one show ends, they start another one up in rotation.

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[> [> Oh yeah! -- sparkle, 11:49:45 04/03/12 Tue (24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

I gorgot that I've been sucked into the Ringer rhelm as well. Now I just need to know how it plays out. I like most of the USA shows as well. Burn Notice, White Collar, etc. They're just good fun. Sort of like when I'm feeling lazy on a weekend I can sit and watch a NCIS marathon with no issues. I screwed up with Game of Thrones, so I have to go rent season 1 and get caught up.

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[> Re: Spring sprang early in STL, so life is crazy but... -- Caroline, 18:43:17 04/02/12 Mon (b0fbf62e.bb.sky.com/

Game of Thrones (Back on British TV tonight. Yippee!)
Upstairs Downstairs (You guys may not get this over there)
Downton Abbey
Vampire Diaries

Bring back Angel, is what I say! Particularly as DB is looking better than ever!

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[> Re: Spring sprang early in STL, so life is crazy but... -- kim, 06:37:30 04/03/12 Tue (cpe-75-82-47-112.socal.res.rr.com/

Gossip Girl, The Voice, Castle, Smash
Last Man Standing, New Girl, bits of The Biggest Loser, Parenthood already had its season finale
Whitney, Sons of Guns
Vampire Diaries, Big Bang Theory, Selling L.A.
Who Do You Think You Are, Nikita, Supernatural, Grimm, The Ultimate Fighter

HGTV and Food Network stuff, and Motion on Live Well. I don't sleep much.

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[> [> I live for Food Network stuff. Now I've gotten hubby addicted. -- sparkle, 11:52:56 04/03/12 Tue (24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com/

LOVE Iron Chef America, Chopped, Giada, Bobby, Guy, Sunny, oh I could go on. Hubby calls Giada food porn. Listen to the background music and it will make you giggle. :-)

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