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Date Posted: 09:27:57 03/29/12 Thu
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Okey, dokey, dear ones!
In reply to: Saltygoodness 's message, "Okey, dokey, dear ones. I'm back for as long as the Good" on 15:17:09 03/27/12 Tue

WHEEE and BOOOOO cuz schizophrenic is how we roll. Sometimes it's Angelus, just moving through the world, having a good ole time and sometimes it's Angel, who can't think up enough terrible things to happen to him, so he goes looking.

I hope that you can reclaim some of the things that made you happy, Salty; the gift is that you even remember what those things are! So good yu are back.

I admit I dread flying anymore; so sorry your grand children go through this, just to see you more frequently. Since when did "innocent til proven guilty"--not prove you are innocent to just "ask," or even "probable cause" disappear? Besides, the passengers seem to be more trustworthy in dealing than all the billions we spent to put us all in an open air "gulag." I am just glad you got good people around you. I hope the spring and a bit of rain offer you a breath of relief, too.

I think that southern soothing of yours, for Lewis, Salty, will fluff the spirit and soothe away the aches!

And, you, Lewis...what are you doing consorting with yankees? So not a cyber virus or even all the allergies that eventually allow infection? Real flu? HORRIBLE. THIS is not how to do spring; this is whimper and woe. Kinda making you dread mortality? Well, you are going to live forever, anyway from us through the years in space to infect those traqnsmissions with cute anatoles and funny stuffed Cthulu!

The chicken soup I use came from an Auschwitz survivor. Those I give it to swear it helps.

a whole chicken, into parts is parts. Parsnip, bunch of parsley, a bit of carrot,like 2, a bouillion cube or two (for salt)a couple of quarts of water, couple cloves of garlic and a small onion, and cook until the meat is falling off the bones. (It's the minerals in marrow plus the other stuff is helpful to the liver). Yes, it freezes and is not meant to be more than the lightest food, yet have some good somethings, including the steam. ha! I add potatoes or rice for the left overs, which there will be, mostly because I don't ever eat this: vegetarian. ha!

So PASSOVER already, you dastardly yankee flu!
Be well

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[> [> Re: Okey, dokey, dear ones! -- chuckit25, 10:11:39 03/29/12 Thu (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

GACHNAR! I am surprised you have survived Nick and Nora. These cats are so utterly playful and curious. Good for you. They are looking here in NE to make Father Flannigan of Boys Town a saint, so I will pass your name along...heh.

I know you won't believe this, but it goes to show real life is funier than anything written. My dear ledy, now near Phoenix, (hoo boy...), who shared the chicken soup, was born in TRANSYLVANIA!

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