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Date Posted: 11:28:20 04/03/12 Tue
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-44-207.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Didn't seem that long ago - MNA

It's been almost a week since my last MNA. Guess I've been having too much fun doing other things. Oh well. Voted today for mayor and city commisioner. It's kind of like voting for which vampire you would like to suck your blood out. (I'd like Angelique first then Katherine personally.)

Well here's your candidates:

In real life you can't stake politicians but we can dream.

Barnabas would be like the Bill Clinton of the vampire set. Of course that would make Angelique Hillary ... Naah

With campaign managers like these how can Katherine lose?
You know what? They should redo West Wing but with vampires. Katherine could be president and all the other characters could fill in all those aide and cabinet roles.
Actually that's sort of the way the setting in the Rachel Morgan series works with vampires in the big political offices.

Ok. That was kind of fun. If you have elections in your city today do vote. It doesn't always make a difference but
it does more often than you would think.

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[> Incidentally ... -- Lewis H., 11:43:20 04/03/12 Tue (adsl-98-85-44-207.mco.bellsouth.net/

Yes Angelique was mainly a witch on the old Dark Shadows show but she did spend one excellent story arc as a vampiress:


Over 40 years later and there's still something special about Angelique to me. Probably just cause she was the first "bad girl" that I encountered in fiction. It wasn't until years later, though, when I realized what a bastard Barnabas had been to her. (Hey when your six you don't really know what an affair is.)

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[> Re: Didn't seem that long ago - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 14:43:25 04/04/12 Wed (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

I'm a fan of Dark Shadows. Loved evil Barnabas, thus why I thought Angelus was so fascinating, I guess. I'm also a fan of Johnny Depp. This may change. I do not want Barnabas portrayed as a goofy looking vampire. I want him absolutely gorgeous (like Angel) and then scarey as hell when he's about to bite you. I'm concerned Johnny, with his penchant for nutty makeup, will make Barnabas a dumb looking vampire in or out of vampire mode. Good grief! I have to get me a life. Who do you know is invested in vampires being handsome other than me?

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[> Dearest Lewis H: Thank you for the MNA. I look forward to -- Saltygoodness, 14:51:21 04/04/12 Wed (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

to these photo ops and comments as much as anything else. So, see, you make this old broad happy everytime you think of us. Hugs

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[> Re: Didn't seem that long ago - MNA -- chuckit25, 20:46:30 04/04/12 Wed (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Adam Baldwin came to Krypton Comics in Omaha--very nice guy. His "mmm" vocabulary of acting is just "legendary." The joke re the Horror con in Salt Lake City seemed redundant.

Also! Electing the big and powerful may seem like a waste of time, (because they are all the same guy, serving the same guys); but the guys on your school boards, etc can REALLY impact what you get to vote on, know about to even have a word edgewise, let alone even cast the vote. Remember. It may seem like an exercise in futility, until you don't get the exercise at all because they really have finally "come for you." The dictatorship I was born under just added to the tyranny and shame of the place for all people, Basque and Spaniard and I don't lose sight how easy it is to lose sight, sound, life and limb.

WE make America and that deserves more than firecrackers on the 4th. Do they even teach civics in the U.S?

Good for you, Lewis re VOTING. Because "everyone" thinks it doesn't count, it counts twice over. Good for raising your voice for better. Even if the guy is not what you want perfectly, you can let him know. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

Good. for. you.
Be well

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