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Date Posted: 12:03:58 04/01/12 Sun
Author: sparkle
Author Host/IP: 24-107-135-153.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com /
Subject: YEAH! Missed all of you and I'm finally back as well.
In reply to: Saltygoodness 's message, "Okey, dokey, dear ones. I'm back for as long as the Good" on 15:17:09 03/27/12 Tue

Crazy times that i won't go into but so glad that everyone is well and that all of our kitties are as fun as always. My little Sookie (not snooky) is happy as well, until she hears the racoons fighting outside then goes into PTSD. Otherwise, miss you all! *hugs*

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[> Re: Okey, dokey, dear ones. I'm back for as long as the Good -- Caroline, 18:47:40 04/02/12 Mon (b0fbf62e.bb.sky.com/

Yup, me back too. After two more terms of teaching at High School level, I am doubting the wisdom. Not sure that I can hack this and might be looking for an administrative job where I can go home at night and not feel guilty about taking time out to prune my roses. I'm also rather tired of people being rude to me.

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[> [> Re: Okey, dokey, dear ones. I'm back for as long as the Good -- Saltygoodness, 03:58:27 04/03/12 Tue (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

After our daughter did her practice teaching with a group of students taller than her with toilet tongues and little or no respect for learning, she gently declined to teach in the school room unless the students were adults. It was heartbreaking to me because she is a talented teacher and never wanted to do anything else but teach teenagers. Until, of course, she was exposed to the little cretins. I'm sorry kiddo. Hugs

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[> [> [> Re: Okey, dokey, dear ones. I'm back for as long as the Good -- Caroline, 06:29:16 04/05/12 Thu (b0fbf62e.bb.sky.com/

Sorry to hear that about your daughter - although I can quite appreciate it. No matter how resilient you think you are, the reality of facing six classes of 30 teenagers per day, many of whom simply don't want to be in school and who are quite happy to 'express themselves' on that subject, really takes its toll.

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