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Date Posted: 16:12:49 04/21/12 Sat
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Re: But at least...
In reply to: gachnar 's message, "But at least..." on 12:57:38 04/20/12 Fri

Absolutely cool. And convenient. Mr. Frid got an early look at the Depp makeup and the Burton (Please, don't send me posts about the wonders of the aforementioned gentlemen and movie making. I'm already a huge fan.) direction. Was absolutely astounded and, consequently, had time to plan his departure prior to the launching of the movie! teehee Lewis H, you wonderful you, why aren't you already in this? Love to one and all.

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[> [> [> Oh, come on, Salty -- gachnar, 19:06:50 04/21/12 Sat (207-108-208-99.tukw.qwest.net/

Frid did not die over the movie. We have no idea how he felt about it, but he did agree to appear in it, so I have to think he was OK with it. He died from injuries from a fall. He was 87. It is unfair to blame the movie just because you don't like the casting.

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[> [> [> [> Re: Oh, come on, Salty -- Saltygoodness, 03:22:40 04/22/12 Sun (adsl-99-62-46-4.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net/

Precious gachner, I was elated by the Burton/Depp duo for the movie until I saw the way Depp is playing Barnabas, makeup, etc., and Burton is letting him. Now I have to rearrange years of my tortured, brooding Barnabas and let him become a clown in clown makeup. I despair, but I will, by God, see the accursed movie. Besides, this is the most chat we've had about any subject in weeks. Haven't you enjoyed it? I certainly have.

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