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Date Posted: 20:10:08 05/09/12 Wed
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: sprained my ankle on the stairs darn it

Stupid thing to do. Was out around midnight saw something on the wall. wanted to get a closer look. and missed the bottom step (no I wasn't running and the stairs are lighted. I'm just a klutz) Oh and it turned out to just be a common old moth as opposed to anything interesting. So I guess I'll be hobbling around for a few days until the swelling goes down. don't think I need to go to the doctor but we'll see how it is after another day or two. I am very, very glad I have a roommate though. Thought I had broken it at first.

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[> Re: sprained my ankle on the stairs darn it -- Saltygoodness, 16:38:16 05/10/12 Thu (NoHost/

You'd have less pain if it was broken. But, I'm terribly sorry you've injured yourself. Sometimes curiosity can nearly kill the man. Take lots of good drugs, keep it elevated, ice can reduce the pain even several days out from the date of injury and we will hold good thoughts and bombard you with them. O.K., Boardies?

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[> [> I picked up a cane at Wal-Mart today -- Lewis H., 14:32:42 05/11/12 Fri (adsl-98-85-32-6.mco.bellsouth.net/

the swelling is down and I can walk. Probably be good as new in a few more days.

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[> Re: sprained my ankle on the stairs darn it -- chuckit25, 15:22:45 05/13/12 Sun (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Glad to hear you can walk a bit; sounds like a strain rather than sprain--even if it whoosed out your "last breath" in how shockingly bad it hurt. (Sky turn blue indoors?)

Funny how walking really is falling and catching yourself to do it again.

"Safe as houses" really is a strange expression.

Now don't bang your head watching the ground!
Be well!

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[> Re: sprained my ankle on the stairs darn it -- truelove, 11:59:30 05/16/12 Wed (NoHost/

Ouch! Ouch! I hate that!
It will get better and we're rooting for ya!


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