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Date Posted: 14:47:28 05/13/12 Sun
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Someone that I used to know - MNA + video link
In reply to: Saltygoodness 's message, "Re: Someone that I used to know - MNA + video link" on 20:37:55 04/30/12 Mon

Wasn't it SO good? I thought the pairings were inspired. I loved love in their hands and how their hearts were seen so keenly.

I know Joss thinks our damage designs us, but I happen to think Desire is what drives us, and that means we have a real chance in this world! Never saw that GREAT photo of Cordy and Xander or Charisma and Nicholas. I would love to have seen this Orpheus and Euridice "work out."

Seems that Joss gave Xander (the everyman and himself--Buffy is his avatar) the "real girl" growing up in season 8 aka DAWN! Connor is "real Angel" so I wonder where that is going? He once had a hankering for Faith, which is Oedipal Angel/us/Liam and Kathy, of course. Well, they aren't hooking up Angel and Faith in season "9" so that looks promising.

Since I am so late, I imagine your family is looking to all 'show up' soon, with summer near. Houston got rain; did it get up to your neighborhood? We have had great gusts of wind from the south (hundreds of tornadoes) and we got more of your southern hospitality in gorgeous butterflies; and I saw a red headed woodpecker, who has decided to stick around and hammer his way to the core of hell and back. Keeps me working harder out of sheer guilt. hee.
Be well!

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