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Date Posted: 11:33:04 05/18/12 Fri
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: A few others to add to the list
In reply to: chuckit25 's message, "Re: Best tv shows to ever be cancelled unjustly..." on 03:39:48 05/18/12 Fri

Murphy’s Law--Doc Martin buzz saw
Prime Suspect US version
Being Human Original Cast—I had high hopes for the ghost
The Defenders John Belushi version

Some of my favorites
Dead Like Me
Wonderfalls (another Tim Minear charmer)
Jericho with Buffy's original beau, Luke Perry
Chicago Code; I like Dennis Farina, who actually was a cop

And let us not forget the greatest gaff ever: Star Trek

Also, too bad Bruce Lee, an American, my life long hero, couldn't have done his own project, Kung Fu, replaced by a more "acceptable" David Carradine. Now every hero is born with kung fu fighting. Including Buffy.

Hummm. I actually like the cancelled shows best; I don't know what that means...they were actually GOOD?

Be well!

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