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Date Posted: 20:15:00 06/06/12 Wed
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: adsl-99-62-39-34.dsl.aus2tx.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Re: I'm back you slackers
In reply to: Lewis h. 's message, "I'm back you slackers" on 19:45:03 06/06/12 Wed

I've had absolutely nothing to say. It is June 6th in Central Texas and it is so hot one can hardly breath when outside away from the A/C. And that is what I would have had to talk about. Humidity, heat, insects the size of Volkswagens and as noisy as the Chicago City Orchestra.

However, welcome home. I'm so glad you are finally here and hope you had a marvelous time. I'd stay longer but our daughter we thought was coming in tomorrow just called and said we can pick her up at the airport at 8:00 pm tonight. Mercy, no sheets on her bed, need to wash a load of towels and bath mats, her room could use a good dusting and vacuuming. So, have to go. Give yourself hugs and kisses from all of us.

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[> Re: I'm back you slackers -- truelove, 15:18:59 06/08/12 Fri (NoHost/

Great picture, as always, Lewis. Hmmm, can we read anything into the body language? Is David sort of leaning back and Neal Patrick puffing out his chest? or holding in his stomach? The press seems to be enjoying the two of them.

Anyway, I love pearl-grey suits!


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