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Date Posted: 10:49:40 06/07/12 Thu
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-149.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Trip Report & MNA

So back when I went I business travel after it was done you always had to do a trip report describing what you had accomplished. They were boring technical things, ick. This will be more fun I hope.

The main reason for doing this was to take one last road trip with my dad. He's 80 now and probably won't be up to any more thousand mile drives. We shared the drive on the way up but I did all the driving on the way back. No knights templars or evil goddesses like Buffy encountered on her road trip but nasty rainstorms and a lot of construction.

Anyway upon arriving I met the true rulers of the universe, my sister's cats. By the end of my stay they had me trained as to when to feed them and to never ignore them when they wanted petting. Pretty much like one of Glory's minions.

My sister also has a wonderful garden, the peonies were in bloom. Giles probably would have enjoyed it although as far as know there were no demonic plants in the garden. (I have my suspicions about some of her koi though.)

We got lucky on the graduation. It rained all day before and all day after but the sun came out and let the grads have their day in the sun. the most exciting events were 2 starlings chasing a hawk and a robin having brunch on the field. No demons or vampires. I would have whacked them with my cane.

I had planned on doing more sight seeing and taking a longer trip but my dad and I were worn out. Any future traveling I do over 500 miles I'll put up with the airlines. I did drive on the George Washington Bridge though so that was kind of cool. I can now say I've driven on that and the Golden Gate Bridge.

Ok this last bit is purely me and by now you know I'm a bit dark but it's completely true. The thing that I was most surprised by on the trip was the number of dead deer by the side of the road driving through N. Carolina, Virginia and Pittsburgh. To me road kill means small animals that you can't avoid squirrels, possums, raccoons, armadillos not effin bambi. It wasn't just 1 or 2 either.
I guess if you are driving a big enough truck you can hit a small deer (these weren't full bucks) and keep going. Whatever. Glad I didn't hit any. Even my dad's caddie would have been demolished I think.

Road kill Buffy style. Ok what's everybody else doing. Want to hear your graduation/travel stories or just what's up in your daily life. What's routine to you is amazing and different to someone else a lot of the time so don't hesitate to post.

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[> Re: Trip Report & MNA -- SpikeMom, 22:42:58 06/08/12 Fri (ip68-8-221-23.sd.sd.cox.net/

Got my third and youngest graduated from High School this week. The principal was not eaten by a giant demon snake. However, given what passes for appropriate attire these days some of the crowd resembled Anya's wedding guest list.

Welcome back Lewis and MNA.

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[> [> Appropiate Attire -- Truelove, 09:49:34 06/11/12 Mon (NoHost/

I know what you mean. At our church, the pastor had to
speak from the altar to ask that the young women do not wear halter tops or tank tops in church.

And at the university, one dean handed a young woman a big shirt he hanging up there for girls who came in "half dressed".

Anyway, I like clothes.


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[> Re: Trip Report & MNA -- Saltygoodness, 15:12:56 06/09/12 Sat (NoHost/

Well, since I've grown a blood clot in the left ventricle, all of my trips will be by car. However, 1000 miles makes my knees threaten to mutiny, so I'll have to do some real thinking before I embark.

Sounds like you had a grand time. What a pleasure to spend time with your aging Dad. My Mom made the trip to heaven nearly 6 years ago at the age of 85 and I still miss her.

Road kill in Texas leans toward 800 lb hogs. Better be prepared for a hefty auto repair bill or give the vehicle to the hog. Crashing into the monsters doesn't seem to bother then at all. Our daughter lives out in the country (read BFE) and she has now encountered 2 hogs on two different occasions. The hogs won both encounters. They just seem to squeal in fury and disappear back into the underbrush on the side of the road. Even cleaning the car at the impact sight is disgusting. It makes me sad when autos hit deer, though. They are such lovely animals and actually have a chance of procreating now that my room no longer hunts.

Hope you weren't too bored by this post. But, dear Lewis H, it is a marvelous MNA both entertaining and informative. Welcome back, dear friend.

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[> [> Hogs down south -- Truelove, 09:51:19 06/11/12 Mon (NoHost/

I've been watching the nature shows and there is a real problem with wild hogs. I think they are edible though. :)


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[> Re: STORY TIME!!!! Yea! -- chuckit25, 16:20:48 06/17/12 Sun (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

WHAT A COME BACK! I can't believe how I thirsted for your terrific talents! That picture of Giles is purely new to me and has to be just gorgeous Giles to you gals. Love the vanity pinky ring showing off his hands, too.

Ah...weren't they all so pretty? And happy? Good times. Better times in that graduation to joy picture, actually! hee hee.

That rug is a pure giggle!

I have to admit, the idea of being treated like "prove yourself innocent" in the USA (!) and being groped to pay for the privlege at the local airport has me driving everywhere. My art is a real pain...bronze? Working with a bit of ceramic and glass for new fun. (Sorry you don't even have a choice, Salty; it makes one a bit more isolated when you can't do the travel a bit more easily, especially when there are time constraints that further limit your choices. Everyone is almost too busy. Even in staying in touch (and finding where to look).

I do plan on electric locally--if one could even be had; do use the bike--not motorized or feets. Horseback? While I got the swords, I kinda think herd animals need other herd animals and also need serious 7 day care since they aren't in a space or position to live 'naturally.' I kinda wish I could have had a couple or three Scottish highland cows, I can keep them cool enough actually and we don't have midges! ha! It's the time that they deserve I can't really do.


I enjoy hearing about "youse guys families"--I think that our joys for others is something that really makes us human and gives a good reason to hope, not just in the special individual of talent, like heroic Buffy, or fall down and get up Angel, but in just that capacity. I hear you on losing a parent. I don't share much on this front as it was a necessary habit.

It's hard for many to believe a hog can be so scary; it's something I learned in Germany. Yikes! They will tear a pack of dogs to ribbons. No fool goes on foot when they are around.

I don't care what people wear. Sorry. Just don't. It's the idea that girls feel they have to *sell* themselves sexually to have any power or get notice, positive or negative; and then are judged to be "less" because their sexuality is all that is noticed, even as the very women judging them tend to also be ashamed of their bodies at any age or condition and the power of them at that same time for some virtue men decided was superior of "pure thought" that "shuts women up" that bugs me.

I can't stand the virtue of condemning, judgmental women against other females when the real truth is everytime someone's power feels threatened (and dogmatic religion I am looking at you) the first line of attack is called virtue, created by men, to control women in some fashion, even as the consumption of exploited women increases (porn, celebrity, reality tv I am looking at you).

The US still can't handle sex and who (female principle/active principle) actually has the power in it, both physically AND spiritually for any and all genders or sexualities. Women carry the culture and "not distracting men's lack of control over their own penises" is all about shaming women, judging the "corrupting flesh," covering and controlling women and then turning them into advodcates for the very reasons they are silenced. Silent and enduring as the "virtuous woman" means no voice=no power. Let's bring on the burkha, the prayers for joy at not being born a woman! Just sayin'

It's father's day; I love the female in my life, my work and in my daughter. Sorry to be so vehement; it doesn't help anything in changing POV or understanding why the holy soul and the dirty flesh happen to take on the gender identities that they do.

So glad for my story time, Lewis. Just loved it. And the voy demon was kicked to awake to notice: I had to use the properties to see one of the pictures. I so really do hope you will make your blog for Florida, your extra columns of instructions and observations in games and just in the goodness of lizard logic. Too hot? Go sit in the shade. ha!

Be well

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