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Date Posted: 15:12:56 06/09/12 Sat
Author: Saltygoodness
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Trip Report & MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Trip Report & MNA" on 10:49:40 06/07/12 Thu

Well, since I've grown a blood clot in the left ventricle, all of my trips will be by car. However, 1000 miles makes my knees threaten to mutiny, so I'll have to do some real thinking before I embark.

Sounds like you had a grand time. What a pleasure to spend time with your aging Dad. My Mom made the trip to heaven nearly 6 years ago at the age of 85 and I still miss her.

Road kill in Texas leans toward 800 lb hogs. Better be prepared for a hefty auto repair bill or give the vehicle to the hog. Crashing into the monsters doesn't seem to bother then at all. Our daughter lives out in the country (read BFE) and she has now encountered 2 hogs on two different occasions. The hogs won both encounters. They just seem to squeal in fury and disappear back into the underbrush on the side of the road. Even cleaning the car at the impact sight is disgusting. It makes me sad when autos hit deer, though. They are such lovely animals and actually have a chance of procreating now that my room no longer hunts.

Hope you weren't too bored by this post. But, dear Lewis H, it is a marvelous MNA both entertaining and informative. Welcome back, dear friend.

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[> [> Hogs down south -- Truelove, 09:51:19 06/11/12 Mon (NoHost/

I've been watching the nature shows and there is a real problem with wild hogs. I think they are edible though. :)


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