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Date Posted: 14:48:10 06/17/12 Sun
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: I'm back you slackers
In reply to: Lewis h. 's message, "I'm back you slackers" on 19:45:03 06/06/12 Wed

Just because you want a vacation with your dad after years of creating story and picture postings, with imagination and mirthy earth, makes YOU the slacker and your dad the great dragon killer for both Diablo and the voy demon. It seems the demon of Voy can't be bothered to raise an eyelash, let alone flick a tail at us.

So CRACK! Back to the chains and doomy dungeon with YOU! BWAHAHA!

Seems the camera man has eye on the best framing there is for the real pretty in picture: Jaime!


recent picture to show HER. You might notice David actually looks pretty healthy here.

Frankly, I do like David's hair darker and the (longer sides) wedge head, e.g. season ATS 5; or even this picture of his natural curlier hair than this white walls with blond red pate on top. ugh. That color clashes horribly with his skin, (notice the tan), as he hates make up that would make lighting him actually add the "blush of youth" he is going for. Instead he looks old and extreme (ist) like that. (and that means no B/A movie EEEEEVERRRR. hee hee). I think Jaime just improves with age! Gorgeous.

Stalwart your dad is.

I admit it. Love the muscle cars and ridiculous speeds (or I wouldn't have spent so much effort on over 800 hp engine, so balanced there was no shake) and the driving thing is what makes the grand size of America alone so great to tackle. But, I do know "hobbies" do not a life style make, even if I absolutely believe in public transit that is clean, safe, efficient and defeats "urban sprawl with doughtnut holes" to avoid the NOT dealing with human needs.

Great find, on the picture, Lewis. I'd not seen it. (Maybe a chest bump, truelove?) I guess we'll let you slide. ha!
Be well,

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