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Date Posted: 17:21:56 06/17/12 Sun
Author: chuckit25
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Time Flies - MNA
In reply to: Lewis H. 's message, "Time Flies - MNA" on 10:19:01 06/12/12 Tue

YEA! When time flies were good and super visionary! With wings and (maggoty) arrows from the center of everywhere. hee

A game for the villains to win? Who'd a thunk it? Chaos? or Potential? WHOOPEE! The villagers are called village idiots for a reason! or Lunch! No secret season 8 BTVS I was hoping for the end of the world, but NOOOO, it was just the end of magick...with more magic and do wa than a 50's dance hall. Murder should have been more fun.

Never saw the Giles pic AGAIN! AWESOME, Bwahaha. Hats! Loves me hats...finishes a look and says so much. (European or costuming hang over, maybe). I hear some are wearing them again.

Spotted this one of "smidge" (Um...midges are many kinds of gnatty, bitey flies of endless misery of epic proportions and and yes, in April, SMG said she was working on her second child--how does she balance/carry herself on those shoes with a pregancy? Her back has to be broken in three places. Amazing.

Be well!

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[> [> D'oh! -- chuckit25, 17:26:34 06/17/12 Sun (cpe-76-84-130-127.neb.res.rr.com/

Forgot the link:

She looks great wearing a snake!

It was Tom Mankiewicz leadership award on June 16


Good for you, SARAH!
Be well

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