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Date Posted: 10:58:52 07/03/12 Tue
Author: Lewis H.
Author Host/IP: adsl-74-235-197-242.mco.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Obfuscate - MNA

I've always liked that word. I think I first learned it from the Prisoner. It means to make unclear or hidden but it has something of a devious undertone to it. So who would be good at obfuscating the truth in the Buffyverse.

Both Angel and Angelus were pretty good at mind games but actually I think Angel was the better liar of the two.

Giles is a good guy, no question but we all know his dark side. He keeps things hidden mostly for good reasons though.

Cordelia can be pretty good at hiding the truth too, at least when it concerns her and of course evil Cordy was really, really good at it.

This is open for debate.She's managed to conceal things at certain times but she always gets caught eg her mom learned she was the slayer, her friends learned she was unhappy about being brought back (though that took a whole musical ep so not her fault). I guess you only want the hero to be good at obfuscation in a spy show though.

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[> Re: Obfuscate - MNA -- chuckit25 (rush post crush), 13:03:36 07/03/12 Tue (cpe-76-84-130-111.neb.res.rr.com/

! Me, too! Love that word. Here's the heart to put it in: Camera obscura? Darkened room or chamber. hee hee.

The heart of darkness, for all its "good reasons" does not really obviate. To anticipate and make unnecessary, yet the hope remains to ameliorate the "fall out," which is to make something better (public fight, turmoil)like a brouhaha :1885–90 French, orig. brou, ha, ha! exclamation used by characters representing the devil in the 16th-cent. drama; or hullabaloo: 1750–60; apparently variant of haloobaloo, rhyming compound based on Scots baloo lullaby. Interesting that they both look like a donnybrook: 1850-55 Donnybrook fair: an inordinately wild fight or contentious dispute; brawl; free-for-all.

Someday we will celebrate peace and good will for all! With CAKE! (And prezzies?)

THIS! MNA hit all the best people and just the greatest photo selection, as well. Lying by keeping your mouth shut provides all the reasons why this guy needed an alter ego, while others just go for the alter and lots of worshippers.

Gonna have to go explode! Well, obfuscating a bit--it's America's birthday and I don't have cake to celebrate--maybe just blow sh*t up to make fiery stars. Then we all should fire up the barby and down a keg. Preferably in the AC--it's AFRICA HOT here and I gotta travel east and will send happy greetings to those watching air shows and fireworks, ball games and swimming holes for celebrating everything everyday good and wonderfull, in plain sight!

Catch up later, I hope!
Be well!

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[> Re: Obfuscate - MNA -- Saltygoodness, 02:36:50 07/06/12 Fri (NoHost/

Aren't they the grandest group you've ever seen? I become so nostalgic about the good ole' days when I could watch all of them every week, I make myself cry. Stupid woman. Thank you, Lewis H. It is a grand MNA.

chuckit25: My eyes are now bleeding. I'll have to re-read your post again tomorrow when I'm wide awake. But, until then, thank you for entertaining me at this unholy hour.

I have 2 10 year olds and 1 9 year old finally asleep. I'm putting my really old person to bed "perhaps to dream."

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[> Re: Obfuscate - MNA -- Caroline, 21:16:44 07/08/12 Sun (5ade2646.bb.sky.com/

We're having a rerun here - just reached the eps where Glory arrives and Buffy realises that Dawn's not just a pain but also a key. Ahhh ..... nostalgia.

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